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Satellite ofEos
Location27th moon of Eos
Orbital Distance~ 110,000 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume3.35×107 km
Diameter400 km

Atmospheric Height25 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity1.6 G
Gravity Well80 km

Notable Minerals
Bastium ore.png
Xhalium ore.png
Aegisium ore.png
Haderite ore.png
Ilmatrium ore.png
Ukonium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png
Charodium ore.png

Magindara (/mə.ˈin.ˌdə.rə/) is a distant moon in the Eos sector. Throughout the day its atmosphere shines a buoyant aqua, and between it and the sandy dunes that proliferate across its surface, Magindara recalls images of the shoreline on a summer day. Its elevation is largely consistent, with few mountains or even steep ridges to speak of, and visibility is respectably clear.


In Philippine mythology, the Magindara is a type of sea spirit, interchangeably used to describe either a guardian deity of Bikolano fishermen, or as vicious hunters of adult humans, who spare only children. They are portrayed as beautiful creatures of the sea, with colorful gem-like scales that belie their lethal sharpness, and enchanting voices that can lure fishermen either to their death or to a place where they may be rescued or assisted. Some believe that the Magindara can summon Aswang at will.

The serpents whose voice did enthrall
Like the siren’s tempting call,
In Hantic’s wide cavernous hall
Forever they were buried all.

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