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Satellite ofThalia
Location1st moon of Thalia
Orbital Distance~ 700 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume2.68×105 km
Diameter80 km

Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.45 G
Gravity Well16 km

Notable Minerals
Bastium ore.png
Exorium ore.png
Vokarium ore.png
Tengium ore.png
Charodium ore.png
Lukium ore.png
Targium ore.png
Kutonium ore.png

Skōria (/ˈskɒr.i.ʌ/) is a subsatellite of Thalia, and is part of the smallest class of objects in the Eos sector. Like many subsatellites, it has a largely unremarkable surface of great plateaus and depressions, and no atmosphere to speak of.


From Ancient Greek, Skōria describes a type of cinder-like formation that occurs during the explosion of a volcano. It is a closely related to pumice, though characteristically distinct, and forms when magma is is sprayed into the atmosphere and cools rapidly.

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