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Flight control unit

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FCU Types.png
Basic (blue), advanced (red), and premium (yellow) FCUs
Flight Control Unit
Type Control device
Function Automatic thruster control

Flight control units (FCU) receive input from control devices like levers and - in conjunction with the Main Flight Computer (MFC) - determines which thrusters to fire to achieve the desired maneuvering. FCUs come in three varieties with progressively more control schema with each successive upgrade, and several can be used on a single ship to allow for cockpits placed in unusual orientations.

Basic information

  • An FCU's input devices, such as buttons or levers, need to be in the same network as the FCU for them to function.
  • Control devices are mapped to an FCU's different inputs by matching their device fields.
  • FCUs must be connected to the MFC in order to function properly.
  • Each thruster group is controlled by exactly one MFC. There can be several MFCs in one ship.
  • The FCU must be installed in a correct orientation, the three arrows on the top of the FCU point towards the front of the ship.

A basic FCU allows forward, backwards, pitch, yaw, and roll. A basic FCU will also automatically balance the ship while maneuvering.

An advanced FCU allows all of the maneuvers and has all the features that a basic FCU does, but adds lateral and vertical strafing.

A premium FCU allows all of the maneuvers and has all the features that an advanced FCU does, but adds functionality to coordinate forward and backward movement with pitch, roll, and yaw movements. This is particularly noticeable on large ships.


FCU basic.png
Basic FCU

Size 48×48×24 cm
Mass 514 kg
Volume 51.66 kv
Corrosion resistance 460
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output
Electric input 0.5 e/s

Sockets 2


FCU advanced.png
Advanced FCU

Size 48×48×24 cm
Mass 774.9 kg
Volume 51.66 kv
Corrosion resistance 455
Primary material Charodium
Input / Output
Electric input 0.5 e/s

Sockets 2


FCU premium.png
Premium FCU

Size 48×48×24 cm
Mass 483.8 kg
Volume 51.69 kv
Corrosion resistance 431
Primary material Kutonium
Input / Output
Electric input 0.5 e/s

Sockets 2


Lukium 10%

Device fields

YOLOL field description default range availability
FcuMfcIO For connecting the Main flight computer All
FcuInputRange Scales the accepted input range 100 All
FcuGeneralMultiplier A "soft power switch", scales all output 100 All
FcuForward Moves the ship straight forward or combines FcuFwdBwd rotations with the forward movement 0 to 100 All
FcuBackward Moves the ship straight backward or combines FcuFwdBwd rotations with the backward movement 0 to 100 All
FcuRotationalPitch In-place pitch rotation -100 to 100 All
FcuRotationalYaw In-place yaw rotation -100 to 100 All
FcuRotationalRoll In-place roll rotation -100 to 100 All
FcuUpDown Moves the ship straight up or down -100 to 100 Advanced, Premium
FcuRightLeft Moves the ship straight right or left -100 to 100 Advanced, Premium
FcuFwdBwdPitch Rotation combined to forward/backward movement -100 to 100 Premium
FcuFwdBwdYaw Rotation combined to forward/backward movement -100 to 100 Premium
FcuFwdBwdRoll Rotation combined to forward/backward movement -100 to 100 Premium

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