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Thrusters promo.png
Box thrusters on an OKI Manta

Thrusters are a mandatory part of spaceships: Not only can a spaceship not move on its own without them, but the game defines a spaceship by their inclusion. Thrusters determine which directions a spaceship can be flown and at what speed, and they require power and propellant to function. Cables and pipes must attach a thrusters hardpoint to a network with sufficient power and sufficient propellant in order for them to function. The hardpoint must be bolted directly to the frame to be seen as a valid thruster hardpoint.

Basic information

  • To be able to fly, a spaceship needs at least one thruster.
    • Plasma Thrusters are the biggest thrusters so far, which can be upgraded to output more thrust. For full thrust they need a warm up time.
    • Box and triangle thrusters are big "main" thrusters and consist of multiple parts that need to be bolted together.
    • Maneuver thrusters enable small movements of the ship such as adjusting yaw and pitch, though they can still be used as main thrusters on smaller ships.
    • Thrusters need to be bolted to a hardpoint that has access to propellant and electricity.
  • Thrusters require power to function.
  • A thruster also requires propellant to function.
    • To get propellant, a pipe has to be drawn between the device hardpoint and a propellant container.
  • Plasma Thrusters will need an additional type of propellant in the future, called Karnite.
    • This new fuel will come in the same containers as regular propellant does.

Thruster types

There are four different thruster types currently available, with all thrusters except the plasma thruster now having three separate variants outlined as tiers one through three:

Starbase devices thrusters box.png
Box thruster
Type Thrusters
Function Generates propulsion

Size 360×96×144 cm
Mass 18,878.53 kg (approx.)
Volume 1,897.34 kv
Corrosion resistance 350

Input / Output
Electric input
  • 210 e/s (all T1)
  • 183.6 e/s (all T2)
  • 297 e/s (all T3)

Propellant input
  • 30.96 p/s (all T1)
  • 26.966 p/s (all T2)
  • 39.154 p/s (all T3)

Thrust power
  • 500,000 (all T1)
  • 550,000 (all T2)
  • 650,000 (all T3)

Device interfaces 2

Box thruster, body.png
Box thruster combustion chamber, tier 1.png
Box thruster nozzle, tier 2.png
Thruster electricity converter, tier 2 updated.png
Thruster gas converter, tier 2 updated.png

Starbase Triangle thruster stacks.png
Triangle thruster
Type Thrusters
Function Generates propulsion

Size 144×144×144 cm
Mass 11,512.05 (approx.)
Volume 1,156.99 kv
Corrosion resistance 350

Input / Output
Electric input
  • 96.2 e/s (all T1)
  • 84.1 e/s (all T2)
  • 136.1 e/s (all T3)

Propellant input
  • 27.864 p/s (all T1)
  • 24.369 p/s (all T2)
  • 35.239 p/s (all T3)

Thrust power
  • 300,000 (all T1)
  • 330,000 (all T2)
  • 390,000 (all T3)

Modular interfaces 3
Device interfaces 1

Triangle thruster, base, tier 2.png
Triangle thruster combustion chamber, tier 1.png
Triangle thruster nozzle, tier 2.png
Thruster electricity converter, tier 2 updated.png
Thruster gas converter, tier 2 updated.png

Starbase plasma thruster.png
An assembled plasma thruster with two superconductor rings
Plasma thruster
Type Thrusters
Function Generates propulsion

Size 972×576×576 cm (min.)
Mass 687,479.93 kg (min.)
Volume 73,448.71 kv (min.)
Corrosion resistance 230
Primary material Kutonium
Input / Output
Electric input 913.3 + 880 per ring e/s

Propellant input 248 + 386 per ring p/s

Thrust power 4,000,000 + 7,000,000 per ring

Device interfaces 3

Plasma thruster, capacitor.png
Plasma thruster, capacitor struct.png
Plasma thruster, core.png
Plasma thruster, engine.png
Plasma thruster, frame.png
Plasma thruster, nozzle collar.png
Plasma thruster, nozzle.png
Plasma thruster, superconductor.png

Starbase maneuver thruster.png
Maneuver thruster
Type Thrusters
Function Generates propulsion

Size 72×72×24 cm
Mass 446 kg (approx.)
Volume 46.16 kv
Corrosion resistance 350

Input / Output
Electric input
  • 40 e/s (T1)
  • 36 e/s (T2)
  • 60 e/s (T3)

Propellant input
  • 17.4 p/s (T1)
  • 15.7 p/s (T2)
  • 20.97 p/s (T3)

Thrust power
  • 40,000 (T1)
  • 44,000 (T2)
  • 52,000 (T3)

Device interfaces 1

Thrusters comparison
thrust/electricity thrust/propellant thrust/kg
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
Box thruster 2381 2996 2189 16150 20396 16601 26,49 29,13 34,43
Triangle thruster 3119 3924 2866 10767 13542 11067 26,06 28,67 33,88
Maneuver thruster 1000 1222 867 2667 3259 2889 89,69 98,65 116,59
Plasma thruster 4380 + 7955 per ring 16129 + 18135 per ring 5,82 + 50,36 per ring

Device fields

Each of the four thrusters share a set of common device fields (below), but the plasma thruster has additional device fields owing to its unique characteristics.

YOLOL field description range
ThrusterState Requested output of the thruster 0 - 10 000
ThrusterCurrentThrust Current output of the thruster 0 - 10 000

In addition to these, the plasma thruster has two extra fields.

YOLOL field description range
isactive 1 = charge ; 0 = discharge /
chargelevel the current charge level of the plasma thruster, must be 1 to produce thrust 0 - 1

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

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