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Starbase generator enhancers.png
Tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 enhancers
Type Utility device
Function Overclocks device performance

Enhancers are devices that can attach to a generator and provide boosts to some device characteristics. Only the devices that are within a specific range of the enhancer's modular interface side are affected, and this range varies between tiers of enhancers.


Enhancer tier 1.png
Tier 1 enhancer

Size 96×96×48 cm
Mass 781.7 kg
Volume 80.84 kv
Corrosion resistance 615
Primary material Aegisium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 1


Enhancer tier 2.png
Tier 2 enhancer

Size 96×96×48 cm
Mass 1,135.7 kg
Volume 129.35 kv
Corrosion resistance 380
Primary material Ymrium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 1


Lukium 20%

Ymrium 15%
Enhancer tier 3.png
Tier 3 enhancer

Size 96×96×48 cm
Mass 1,709.8 kg
Volume 194.74 kv
Corrosion resistance 445
Primary material Ymrium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 1


Lukium 10%

Ymrium 15%

Basic Usage

  • Casts a ray that goes through modules. If the ray hits a module, that module gets the benefit of the enhancement.
  • There are three tiers on the enhancement modules.
    • Tier 1 casts a ray that can reach 96 cm (only the module it is attached to).
    • Tier 2 that casts a ray that can reach 192 cm (possibly two modules).
    • Tier 3 that casts a ray that can reach 288 cm (possibly three modules).
  • If several rays are hitting the same module, there will be extra benefit, but with diminishing returns.
    • There is no benefit past 3 enhancers.

Basic information

  • Only fuel chambers and cooling racks gain an efficiency increase from enhancers.
  • Fuel chambers will convert the same amount of 'raw fuel' into more 'processed fuel', either allowing for more generator units to be run from one fuel chamber, or for the fuel rod to last longer.
  • Coolant racks will use less coolant to cool the same ammount of heat production.

Enhancer benefit:

  • One enhancer provides a 40% reduction for T1 and 50% reduction for T2/T3 in fuel/coolant usage. T1 fuel chamber can provide 5 generator units, while T2/T3 fuel chamber can provide 6 generator units with 'processed fuel'.
  • Two enhancers provide a 50% reduction for T1 and 60% reduction for T2/T3 in fuel/coolant usage. T1 fuel chamber can provide 6 generator units, while T2/T3 fuel chamber can provide 7.5 generator units with 'processed fuel'.
  • Three enhancers provide a 53.8% reduction for T1 and 63.6% reduction for T2/T3 in fuel/coolant usage. T1 fuel chamber can provide 6.5 generator units, while T2/T3 fuel chamber can provide 8.25 generator units with 'processed fuel'.
  • Further enhancer rays hitting a device do not provide any more benefit.

A single fuel chamber, enhanced three times, using three tier 1 enhancers.
GeneratorTier1 3xEnchanced.png
Three fuel chambers all enhanced once, using a single Tier 3 enhancer.
GeneratorTier3 1xEnchanced.png

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