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Satellite ofKyöpeli
Location1st moon of Kyöpeli
Orbital Distance~ 500 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume2.68×105 km
Diameter80 km

Atmospheric Height17 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.4 G
Gravity Well16 km

Notable Minerals
Charodium ore.png
Bastium ore.png
Nhurgite ore.png
Naflite ore.png
Exorium ore.png
Kutonium ore.png
Targium ore.png
Lukium ore.png
Xhalium ore.png

Inanna (/iˈnɑːn.ˌnʌ/) is a subsatellite of Kyöpeli, and one of the few subsatellites to have its own atmosphere, though it doesn't offer any use in crafting. Its surface is particularly mountainous though there exist some open plains, and its low-hanging violet atmosphere make it difficult to see very far.


From Mesopotamian mythology, Inanna is the goddess of love, war, and fertility, and is associated with both sensuality and divine law. She is one of the few female deities in the male-dominated Sumerian pantheon, and is said to possess a power that far eclipses many - if not all - of her coevals, being one of the few deities capable of descending to the Ancient Mesopotamian underworld and still return. Like her counterparts in Roman and Greek mythologies (Venus and Aphrodite respectively), she is revered as the goddess of all love, and during ancient times, she was widely cherished by individuals who fell beyond the gender binary.

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