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Revision as of 23:58, 28 June 2024 by Dusty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SB Infobox Begin |{{SB Infobox Header |image=Image:Isolde.png |factionLogo= |caption= |name= |border=none |edgeless=true }} {{SB Infobox Celestial Body General Information |pronunciation={{IPAc-en|ɪ|.|ˈ|s|oʊ|l|d|.|ˌ|(|ə|)}} |languageOrigin=Welsh |ipaKey=key |alias=Masser |class=Moon |satelliteOf=Eos |location=14th moon of Eos |orbitalDistance=~ 60,000 km }}...")

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Satellite ofEos
Location14th moon of Eos
Orbital Distance~ 60,000 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume6.54×107 km
Diameter500 km

Atmospheric Height28 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity2 G
Gravity Well100 km

Notable Minerals
Vokarium ore.png
Merkerium ore.png
Bastium ore.png
Charodium ore.png
Kutonium ore.png
Ymrium ore.png
Ilmatrium ore.png

Isolde (/ɪ.ˈsld.ˌ(ə)/) is the second largest moon of Eos, possessing equally strong gravitational pull. Its mineral wealth is largely uniform, and its terrain varies only slightly between shades of a bright rosy red. It is a foggy moon, and its atmosphere is largely an identical red that changes to a sublime turquoise at sunset and sunrise.


Isolde is the name of several characters in the Arthurian legend of Tristan and Isolde, most prominent among them being Isolde of Ireland. Based on a Celtic legend, the tale is a tragedy about the illicit love between the Cornish knight Tristan and the Irish princess Isolde in the day of King Arthur. It depicts Tristan's mission to escort Isolde from Ireland to marry his uncle, King Mark of Cornwall. On the journey, Tristan and Isolde ingest a love potion, instigating a forbidden love affair between them.

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