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m (changed electricity per shot consumption and heat dissipation)
m (changed electricity upkeep)
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|{{SB Infobox Device IO
|{{SB Infobox Device IO
  |electricIn=<ul><li>1,501 e/s upkeep</li><li>35,000 electricity per shot</li></ul>
  |electricIn=<ul><li>1,500 e/s upkeep</li><li>35,000 electricity per shot</li></ul>

Revision as of 02:08, 8 November 2022

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Rail weapon.png
A rail cannon, expanded and assembled
Rail cannon
Type Weaponry
Function Anti-armor

Size 504×144×84 cm
Mass 11,678.96 kg
Volume 1,238.67 kv
Corrosion resistance 380

Input / Output
Electric input
  • 1,500 e/s upkeep
  • 35,000 electricity per shot

Heat generation 600 per shot

Heat dissipation 10 per second


Muzzle velocity1,400 m/s
Rate of fire33 RPM

Magazine capacity100

Projectile mass125 voxels
Projectile energy12,250
Projectile lifetime6 seconds

Composition (barrel)
Composition (magazine)

Composition (capacitors)

Composition (structure)
Composition (body)

The rail cannon is one of several ship weapons available for militarized spaceships. With its high projectile energy, the rail cannon outclasses all other weapons in terms of destruction; However, it is hindered by a high power consumption and heat output, requiring significant investment in power generation to effectively utilize it.


  • Rate of fire: Single shot, slow
  • Spread: None
  • Projectile speed: Very fast
  • Note! Requires a charge-up!

Requires 1 Rail Cannon Mag and 4 Utility Ammo Mags installed into Rail Cannon Ammo Structure.

Ship usage

Rail cannons can be found on following ships either by default, or as a variant:

Device fields

Rail Cannon Barrel

YOLOL field description range
MountedWeaponFire "Trigger pull". Often renamed to shoot or fire 0 - 1
StoredActiveRailgunAmmo Amount of ammo ready to be fired in the weapon's barrel 0 - 1
MaxActiveRailgunAmmo Maximum amount of ammo that fits in the barrel 1
RailgunChargeLimit Maximum speed the Railgun will charge up 0 - 100
RailgunChargeSpeed Current charge rate of Railgun 0 - 100
RailgunCharge Current Charge of the railgun 0 - 100
MaxRailgunCharge Maximum charge of the railgun 100

Rail Cannon Body

YOLOL field description range
StoredHeat How much heat is currently in the system 0 - 1000
MaxHeat Maximum amount of heat that can be in the system 1000

Rail Cannon Ammo Structure

YOLOL field description range
AvailableRailgunAmmo How much inactive ammo is left 0 - 100
MaxAvailableRailgunAmmo Maximum amount of inactive ammo that can be stored 100

Rail Cannon Mag

YOLOL field description range
StoredRailgunAmmo How much inactive ammo is left 0 - 100
MaxRailgunAmmo Maximum amount of inactive ammo that can be stored 100

Utility Ammo Mag

YOLOL field description range
StoredLocalPower How much power is stored in the utility ammo 0 - 4000
MaxLocalPower Maximum amount of power ammo that can be stored 4000

To learn more about the usage of fields, consult these wiki pages:

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