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Revision as of 00:46, 1 July 2024 by Dusty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SB Infobox Begin |{{SB Infobox Header |image=Image:Szélatya.png |factionLogo= |caption= |name= |border=none |edgeless=true }} {{SB Infobox Celestial Body General Information |pronunciation={{IPAc-en|ˈ|s|e:|l|ˌ|ɒ|t|y|ɒ}} |languageOrigin=Hungarian language |ipaKey=key |alias=Szellem |class=Moon |satelliteOf=Eos |location=8th moon of Eos |orbitalDistan...")

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Satellite ofEos
Location8th moon of Eos
Orbital Distance~ 43,000 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume8.71×107 km
Diameter550 km

Atmospheric Height28 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity2.0 G
Gravity Well110 km

Belt Characteristics


Outer Radius550 km
Inner Radius450 km
Height40 km

Notable Minerals (Surface)
Bastium ore.png
Vokarium ore.png
Aegisium ore.png
Haderite ore.png
Ilmatrium ore.png
Xhalium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png
Charodium ore.png

Szélatya (/ˈslˌɒtjɒ/) is the 8th moon of Eos, and appears a ghostly white from afar. Its surface elevation is widely variable, but the smooth gradation between either extrema means that there are few mountains or ridges to speak of. Throughout the day, Szélatya's atmosphere glows a pale gold and blue, and ground fog is thick.


From Hungarian mythology, Szélatya or Szélkirály is a god of the wind whose name translates to "Wind Father", and is the counterpart to the female Szélanya. Szélatya has long hair, silver weapons, and horses which cause thunderstorms wherever they run. He is said to appear as a youthful and handsome man in Hungarian mythology, but as an elderly man in Turkic mythology. He maintains a portion of Égig érő fa (World Tree) on the fourth bough named the Silver Forest, which - depending on the source of origin - takes the form of a jungle or sylvan.

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