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User:DustyFB/Sandbox/Audio Signal Device Mk.1

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Audio signal device mark 1.png An isolated audio signal device
Audio Signal Device, Mk.1
Type Controls
Function Produces Tones
Availability Luxury Items
Size 24 × 24 × 24 cm
Input / Output
Electric Input Passive
Sockets 1
Modular Interfaces 1
Weight: 66.43 kgVolume: 7.14 kvCRSV Resist: 355
Ajatite 20.01%
Bastium 24.99%
Ilmatrium 14.99%
Vokarium 40.01%

Used to add audio feedback to spaceship and station devices.

Basic information

Match InputValue field name to the message ID you want to use to trigger playback.

TriggerValue and TriggerRule are used to determine when InputValue change triggers playback.
TriggerRule accepts three values (-1, 0, 1), which are less than, equal and greater then comparison operators.

List of SoundType variables:

0-22: bleeps and alert sounds
50-61: fake endo voice
70-72: drums
80-92: one octave of notes (chromatic scale: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C)
99: meow?

Device fields

To learn more about the usage of fields, consult these wiki pages:

YOLOL field Description Range
SoundOn Will start to play sound queue when set to 1 and stop when set to 0. 0, 1
TriggerRule Controls the comparison type:
-1 : less
0 : equal
1 : greater
-1, 0, 1
TriggerValue Value, which InputValue will be compared against. any
InputValue Value, which will be compared against TriggerValue. any
SoundType The sound that will be played. 0 - 99
RetriggerRate The delay between each played sound. 0 - 100
RetriggerAmount Limits how often the sound is repeated. Sound is repeated indefinitely if set to 0. 0 - 99
Priority 0 - 99
Radius 0 - 200


To learn more about materials, consult these wiki pages:

Weight (Kg) 66.45
Material Required (Kv)
Ajatite 1.428
Bastium 1.785
Ilmatrium 1.071
Vokarium 2.856
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