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Tractor beam

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Tractor beam (device).png
Tractor beam
Type Utility device
Function Non-contact cargo ferrying
Availability Luxury Items
Size 132×72×84 cm
Mass 1,712.8 kg
Volume 172.14 kv
Corrosion resistance 475
Primary material Bastium

The tractor beam is a device that projects a ray which can be used to manipulate the object it touches. They can push, pull, and rotate the object in all directions, and are a useful tool for asteroid haulers.

Device fields

YOLOL field Description Range
tractorBeamOnState Beam on/off 1 or 0
tractorBeamSoftRelease When set to 1, brings the object grabbed by the beam to a stop, then turns off the beam 1 or 0
tractorBeamSnapToObjects When set to 1, tractor beam tries to snap held object to nearby objects 1 or 0
tractorBeamSearchLength Length (meters) of the beam when the beam is not attached to anything. Max range of the beam. -
tractorBeamForce Maximum amount of force (Newtons) the beam will try to apply to grabbed object. -
tractorBeamTorque Maximum amount of torque (Newtons) the beam will try to apply to grabbed object. -
tractorBeamPosition The distance (meters) the beam tries to move a held object to. Resets on grab, but does not message network / other devices. -
tractorBeamYaw The yaw (degrees) the beam tries to move a held object to, relative to the base. Resets on grab, but does not message network / other devices. -
tractorBeamPitch The pitch (degrees) the beam tries to move a held object to, relative to the base. Resets on grab, but does not message network / other devices. -
tractorBeamRoll The roll (degrees) the beam tries to move a held object to, relative to the base. Resets on grab, but does not message network / other devices. -
tractorBeamObjectInBeam Indicates whether an object is grabbed by the beam. 1 or 0
tractorBeamForceApplied Indicates the force (Newtons) currently being applied to the grabbed object. Can be used to detect when the grabbed object has been set to the target position. -
tractorBeamTorqueApplied Indicates the torque (Newtons) currently being applied to the grabbed object. Can be used to detect when the grabbed object has been set to the target rotation. -

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

Related Pages

Tractor beam (Assembly)

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