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Stellar Archivists

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Stellar Archivists
Leader: None
Vice-Leader None
Authority Style None
Faction Information
Official Colors: White and Green
Official Motto/Slogan Record and expand knowledge
Date of founding: May 21, 2020
Membership strength Unknown
Primary Industry Public information gathering
Secondary Industry Public information sharing
Foreign Affairs
Political Standing Absolute Neutrality

The Stellar Archivists or StelArchs, are a non-political non-military neutral organizations devoted to the preservation and collecting of open knowledge. Stellar Archivists can be found in virtually every faction, every company and every station as they are simple common individuals who collect and record and share common knowledge among the community.

Code of Conduct

Though Stellar Archivists themselves can have loyalties to the Empire or the Kingdom or other factions, when they perform the duties of a Stellar Archivist, their first and foremost duty is to record the facts as they are. Their code of neutrality in writing must overcome any need for enforce political or cultural biases.

  • To preserve knowledge.
  • To record events as they are.
  • To never infuse one's political, cultural, religious or personal opinions into any article they write or edit.
  • To only record knowledge that is considered common knowledge, never to record or share knowledge revealed through espionage.
  • To act as custodians of knowledge.


It is firm, that the Stellar Archives only maintain public information. Knowledge that factions, companies, kingdoms or empires, deem as secret, may never be published or shared within the Stellar Archives. Stellar Archivists themselves must never use their position as a Stellar Archivist to manipulate knowledge to favor one side over another.


The Stellar Archivists do not function in any central location, as the spread of information is vastly decentralized throughout databases throughout the galaxy and possibly beyond. This is to assure that every single database is repeatedly made to backup all others so that information can never be lost. To assure the longevity of information it must be made freely available to all.

Stellar Archivists occasionally pilot vessels with the Crest of the Stellar Archivists shown clearly on the the vessels.

The Stellar Archives

All knowledge gathered by the Stellar Archivists are gathered in a vast public database shared by all known as the Stellar Archives which are public knowledge and edits and contributions can be sent in even by non Stellar Archivists. However the Stellar Archivists themselves devote their duties as custodians of that knowledge to improve or make format edits to increase a accuracy of those archives.


The Icon of Knowledge

The Crest of the Stellar Archivists, also known as the Icon of Knowledge, is the symbol of the Stellar Archivists. The symbol resembles a mechanical eye, and was made to be recognizable from all directions. The white background symbolizes neutrality and the green was selected as a non-aggressive color.

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