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Night squad

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Night Squad is a community group set on finding secrets hidden by the Devs, Night Squad is good at their job and are never wrong. For example Night Squad correctly predicted the date of CA delay. Night Squad is famous for the "16" meme. The two founders of Night Squad are Dusty and Mrfotnz, and the name was made by Ash.

The official time that Night Squad starting time is determined by when Venla (a community manager on discord) becomes online (roughly 6:20am for the Devs).

Previous Projects

D!ckbutt - This was a armour panel in the announcement trailer that looked like a dick and a butt.

HR1/HR2 - Hidden Robot 1 and 2 were in the Endoskeleton feature video, Hidden Robot 1 was bob hiding in the background of a particular scene. Hidden Robot 2 was a robot that was in one frame and disappeared in the next, thus went missing.

Trailer secret - This was hidden in a line of code that went to a secret SB video.

Secret Video 2 electric boogaloo - another hidden url, this time in the title of several displays throughout the Getting Started video initially found by Kirb but first publicly shared by Pickaxe with the help of many community members, most notably Toklo490 investigating a series of clues that would soon lead to its solving.

Hint countdown - This was a secret Countdown clock that counts down to "The next hint". It was found by a user called SM326 on a ship in the photo "Incubus Fleet", posted in this progress notes. The string of numbers were, "1-60813" and when put on the end of the StarBase website, show up the countdown clock.

@TheItem16 - This was a twitter page which was created after the Countdown clock hit 0 and displayed the message "A little bird told me about the item 16". Upon searching Twitter for TheItem16, @TheItem16 was found. Every hour, the twitter page would post a image which were pasted together to create one full image. In this image were scattered plates with numbers on them, which when pieced together correctly by Glards, showed the number "14768455002". When appended to the back of the countdown clock, it lead to a new Second Countdown Clock (continued documents, all community done and not done by Night Squad Doc 1, doc 2, doc 3). Third countdown clock

Other Theories

Late 2019 Night Squad used the number of 16 to calculate an unknown date, which turned out to be the date of the Closed alpha delay.

Images And Media

An important clarification: File:Unknown-95.png

Video from Fingle:

Secret video:

Secret Video 2 electric boogaloo:

Night Squad logo
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