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Main flight computer

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Starbase main flight computer.png

The Main flight computer combines information from several Flight control units (FCU's) and sends the necessary data to each thruster connected to it.
Due to this it is possible to use several FCU's within a single ship.

Basic information

Main flight computers are placed in the same network as flight control units and thrusters.
Main flight computers require to be attached to a generator as well in order for them to work.

Device fields

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

YOLOL field description range
FcuMfcIO1 For connecting an FCU to the MFC -
FcuMfcIO2 -
ThrusterPowerLevel01 - 50 50 fields for connecting thrusters to the MFC. These field names are set for the ships thrusters. -
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