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Faction description

The Empire is one of the largest factions in the universe, ruled by Emperor Laurentius.

The symbol is commonly known as the Laurels of Rule and is the defining symbol of hope for the citizens of the Empire.
Or a dreaded and despised symbol for its enemies.

The Empire is at war with the Kingdom, the other largest faction in the universe.


Imperial Armament Corps
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The Armament corps consists of all soldiers and personnel that specialize in using weapons, from frontline units to artillery and gunners.
Vehicle personnel are also included in the Armament corps.
The Armament Corps is considered as the backbone of the Imperial Army.

Imperial Support Corps
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The Support Corps is responsible for the maintenance and support of the manpower of the Imperial Army.
Cyberwarfare is also a duty of the Support Corps.

Imperial Engineer Corps
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Engineers are responsible for building, repairing and maintaining the facilities and ships in the Imperial Fleet.
Engineers construct defenses and different defensive fighting positions.


Fighters of Empire are given different ranks based on their performance, service time, and military branch.

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