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VVFAQ news超级常见问答新闻












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发布进度 (任务计数器, 总任务数和剩余BUG数):

Features Left Bugs Left
14 17

这是CA封闭测试的进度,您可以在这里查看 visually.




















经过稳定测试:(1080P画质,帧数30FPS) “效果很好”——PipFB 操作系统: (64位) Windows 10 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB 处理器: Intel Core i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz | 4 core 4 threads 内存: 8 GB RAM 硬盘类型: HDD

开发组人员使用的配置:(1080P) 操作系统: (64-bit) Windows 10 / 7 处理器: Intel i5 8600 @ 3.1GHz | 6 core 6 threads 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB 内存: 16 GB RAM DirectX: Version 11

4K画质顶配: 操作系统: (64-bit) Windows 10 / 7 处理器: AMD Ryzen 7 / Intel i7-6700k @ 4GHz | 4 core 8 threads 内存: 16 GB RAM 显卡: Radeon RX Vega 8 GB / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11 GB DirectX: Version 11 网络: Broadband Internet connection


需要64位处理器和操作系统。 储存空间:需要至少15GB可用空间。 我们会在早期测试(EA)前修改配置需求。 需要在互联网连接下进行游戏。 因为游戏使用DirectX,所以只支持Windows系统,将来也不太可能支持Mac/Linux系统。暂无关于流服务的更多信息。



目前尚未明确具体的尺寸限制,但利克托 在此大小限制之内。此外还有其他的零件限制:8K附件板,31K螺钉,6K电线,30盏灯,3K管道,20个弹头,30个武器以及12K其他尚未被列出的物件。[1] 超过此限制的船只将不能运转。在舰船设计器之外将船只用螺钉钉起来以试图超出此限制时会同样让船只无法运转。[2]


150m/s.  [一百五十米每秒。这只有在你把全部资源都投入到速度上时才能做到,稍微多增加些重量或者削弱点推力都会前功尽弃。试图拖曳东西同样也会减速。[多面体]是官方预设船只中飞行速度最快的。]


船只的[推进器]会需要推进剂,这是推进器需要燃烧以产生推力的“燃料”,你可以从特殊的冰质小行星中挖掘出冰来制成推进剂。推进剂需要精炼后才能使用,您可以在空间站或者船上的特殊部件里进行精炼。但是船上精炼出的质量较差,可能会对船只造成损害。你可以从任何空间站里购买推进剂,空间站的推进剂几乎是无穷无尽的。 除了推进剂之外,推进器还要消耗电力,电力可以由[发电机]产生,也可以储存在[电池]里。发电机会消耗固体燃料棒以产生电力,这些燃料棒类似现实中的裂变反应堆燃料棒。










How big are Mega Stations?

Mega Stations can have a max size up to 1.8km by 1.8km (That’s a big octagon with modules.)

Player stations:

Will most likely  be released during closed alpha..

Station lots:

There’s different sizes and each size has a daily rent price.

Can a station be moved?

Stations cannot be moved. They are stationary and will most likely forever be so.


Armour types listed (weak -> strong)

Bastium, Bastonium, Charodium, Kutonium, Oninum

Alloys are in progress

Freedom of placement:

You can place anything however you want. There is no forced grid and it can be toggled.

Though parts do need to actually connect in order to be bolted together:

(this would not work)

You can bolt anything to everything: dropped items(ingots, ammo), station parts to ships and clockwise, but can’t bolt a living endo to anything(detached limbs can be bolted)


The in-game editor allows for fast building of ship blueprints, with lots of tools to help you, it even allows for multiple people to build together! (youtube video)



Rangefinder with a 1km range. Directional and returns only range (no object type, no velocity, no vector - just plain range. Proper coding might make it show velocity according to range it returned).

Proximity sensor.

Laser Designator. For the torpedo.


The programming language inside the game is available to players.

If you want to know more, join the CYLON discord,

Rails and movers:

Rails can be as long as you need, but movers have a speed cap of 1 m/s. Its uses are up to the player, here's an example -made by Okim

Turntables, movers and how do they transport power:

This question became popular recently. So, turntables and movers do transport power only to specific device installed right on it. For example, you can place a fixed mount and it will receive power and transport to whatever device is installed on it(cannon, for example). Lauri doesn’t know whether it possible or not to install power socket on it.

Cargo beam:

Cargo beam emits a laser that hooks onto anything it sees, fixing it completely in place requires you to place lasers from 3 90degree angles. Ships caught in a cargo beam has their thrusters stop working. Endos cannot be captured by this laser.

Range finder:

This device has a range of 1km. Range finder is able to see if anything is crossing the beam, and also how far away the object is.

Robot Arms:

(they are very modular)

Robot arms can be used for a lot of things, though its main area of expertise is in factories. The top of the robot arm can use all of the existing hand tools. It can also grab objects. Restrictions: 1 elbow max, 1 ankle max.



Dumbfire missiles at 150m/s


Has lower speeds compared to a missile. Can be Laser-guided and YOLOL controlled.

Mounted Weapons:


A fast-firing weapon with a wide spread. High bullet flight speed. The ammo drum has 500 ammunition, reloading requires physical replacement of the drum.

Flak Cannon

       A cannon meant for point defence being effective at destroying incoming

       torpedoes and missiles.

Swarm Missiles

       Similar to the missile launcher  but fires a lot more smaller missiles.

Rail Cannon

Extremely slow rate of fire and requires time to charge up. Has no spread. The projectile travels fast, with the longest range of more than 5km. Has a magazine that stores 100 slugs.

Laser Cannon

Has a very high rate of fire with minimal spread. Has a rechargeable energy cell that stores 200 laser shots. The energy cell recharges 1 shot every 4 seconds, but it can also be entirely replaced for an instant full charge.

Plasma Thrower

Has a slow rate of fire, with low spread. Fires a slow travelling bolt of energy which does fracture damage. Plasma cell stores 100 shots before needing to be replaced. It was told that glass might stop it, as long as it’s not a penetrating weapon.

Mining Laser

Though not its intended use, it can still be used as a devastating weapon! Fires a constant short-range beam that does fracture damage. Fracture damage is splitting objects into chunks. So when used on asteroids, affected area is split into smaller chunks


Our world:

We are around a gas giant named Eos. It has an asteroid belt which is 200km tall, 2200km wide, 3000km away from Eos. there should be around 950 trillion asteroids, though this number is a bit old information (mostly because of the newer asteroid sizes and Moons).

here is some pictures/videos.


Drag. Not the aerodynamic kind, so no planes. Also, mass-based. The faster you are moving, the more thrust is used to gain extra m/s. Each ship has its own speed cap based on mass, thrust power and drag.

Will there be servers?

No servers. Only one universe with a P2P hybrid. <- This isn’t technically right…. There is an instancing server, security server, and another one or two…. Also, Technically p2p hybrid is not a server itself.

The only servers are for security and matchmaking, among other things. Starbase is a P2P Hybrid so there is no need for a main server. There is only one instance of the universe. There are no “private servers” and no one can host a server.

What will be the view distance?

5km. Everything freezes if you aren't within that distance. Stations have a higher draw distance of 200km

Are there planets to land on?

Gravity is being tested if we can make it happen-LauriFB

Currently, mag boots replace the need of gravity and allows endos to attach to any surface

No planets at the moment, but there are moons - big celestial bodies where you can land.

What are the roles available in the game?

The developer Factions, Kingdom and Empire are Rivals in Starbase. Joining either faction would be akin to a campaign mode in a game, following and setting up events and protecting the starter safe zone. Do note that Neutral is not a faction and instead, a loosely coined name for those not a part of the Kingdom Empire conflict.

Additional note: You're not part of Empire or Kingdom if you only choose their role on the main Discord. Only joining their discords and clearing their checks will confirm your position as a member of one of the two dev factions.

Will there be an ingame Voice chat?

Currently there will be no VOIP. if there is enough demand, they may consider adding it.

Shipwrecks & despawning:

LauriFB 02/17/2020

most parts of ships and bodies are semi-persistent, for example: derelict lifetime is currently 6 months. but some small parts which fly off from explosions or collisions won't remain. (-jorn: for ships without any players nearby)

Will we run out of asteroids?

There are 950 trillion asteroids, and was calculated as an estimate to take 1 million players more than their lifespan of constant 24/7 mining to empty the whole universe. (old, but latest info on it)



Quick Economy (To be replaced by Quicker Economy) [Quicker Economy has been delayed.]

Shields, Cameras:

Non existent.


Does not work in this game. Note: bad in-game behaviour (like trolling and griefing in a safezone, and being all around toxic anywhere)  can end up with you being imprisoned in Saltberia (In-game prison.) and breaking and/or cheating in game will make you kicked/banned.




Code your own. Limitations essentially stop this. The Major limitation is YOLOL working only within a 1km radius of a player. Cutting a limb from a player and bolting it near yolol won’t bypass it.

To answer the question about 20 lines being a major limitation, yolol chips can access other yolol chips, it can be far more than 20 lines but it will take up more space. Mind the chip execution frequency - chip executes every line with 200 milliseconds break. It means that the chip will execute  the whole code in 4 seconds.

Please read pins in the Starbase discord -> #starbase-faq


Write your own name if you believe to have contributed.

  • VilleFB
  • Sylaerith
  • Sweer
  • Einar4050
  • Simulator Haven

Which Developers and Community Managers to ask for information not listed in this page.


  • Lauri - Creative director, all knowing. Boss.
  • VilleFB - Economics and resource dev.
  • HamstahFB - Heavy weapons ship expert.
  • JimiFB - Arts dev.
  • AkseliFB - Cargo storage, delivery and manipulation dev.
  • ArtturiFB - Yolol and devices.
  • PipFB - Feature videos and side videos.
  • KaiFB - Boltcracker video series.
  • TeoFB - Ship and station editor programmer.
  • SoosiFB - Faction designer.

Community Managers (Discord, SB forums, Steam forums, Moderation):

Please do ask the community before you decide to ping a Developer.

Task counter log:

Changelog: 96=>106=>154=>190=>177=>170=>180=>170=>99=>94=>101=>102=>96=>100=>158=>46=>44=>43=>42=>44=>34=>38=>37=>33=>29=>33=>34=>32=>31=>33=>31


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