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A missile is a multi-component weapon
タイプ Mounted weapon
機能 Anti-armor
入手先 MAG
サイズ 120×18×18 cm

発射レート 300 RPM
発射速度 360-460 m/s
発射ボクセル質量 29.33 kv
マガジン容量 9

Missiles are devastating ship weapons that can destroy even the toughest armor plating. They are multi-component weapons, offering some flexibility in construction, and can be configured in various ways with YOLOL. A missile can be activated at any time via the universal tool, but is intended to be launched via a missile launcher.


Missiles are modular projectiles comprising 4 separate parts: The thruster, the fuel tank, the warhead, and the fuze.

Missile thruster module A.png
Thruster A
質量 36.5 kg kg
体積 4.25 kv kv
腐食耐性 410
Missile fuel module.png
Fuel module
質量 114.7 kg kg
体積 11.53 kv kv
腐食耐性 580
Missile HE warhead.png
HE warhead
質量 57.4 kg kg
体積 6.68 kv kv
腐食耐性 750
Missile sensor.png
Impact fuze
質量 59.1 kg kg
体積 6.87 kv kv
腐食耐性 470


A 9-slot missile launcher
While missiles can be launched using a universal tool, they are best used in conjunction with a missile launcher.The missile launcher allows YOLOL to directly interface with the missiles, which can be used to fire missiles at a push of a button - or even automate the process. The launcher can also automatically lock all missiles within it into battery, which is required for the safe transport of the missiles.


More information can be found in this official missile video.

Device fields


YOLOL field description range
Detonate Detonates the missile if set to 1 0 - 1
Safety Stops the fuse from detonating the missile if set to 1 0 - 1
TimerState Determines whether the timer is active 0 - 1
Timer Counts up while TimerState is 1, detonates once reaching DetonationTime 0 - n
SafetyTime Need info -1 - n
DetonationTime Time that Timer will detonate the missile -1 - n
TriggerRange Range to trigger fuse 0 - n


YOLOL field description range
CurrentThrust The current thrust value 0 - n
TargetThrust The thrust value the missile will attempt to achieve 0 - n
IsActive Toggle to turn on thruster 0 - 1

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

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