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Night squad

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 14:30, 18 February 2020 by Duke Ironhelm (talk | contribs) (added 16 link)

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Night Squad is a community group set on finding secrets hidden by the Devs, we are good at our job and are never wrong. For example we correctly predicted the date of CA delay and are famous for the "16" meme. The two founders of Night Squad are Dusty and Mrfotnz.

The official time that Night Squad starting time is determined by when Venla (a community manager on discord) becomes online (roughly 6:20am for the Devs).

Previous Projects:

D!ckbutt - This was a armour panel in the announcement trailer that looked like a dick and a butt.

HR1/HR2 - Hidden Robot 1 and 2 were in the (can't remember video), Hidden Robot 1 was bob hiding in the background of a particular scene. Hidden Robot 2 was a robot that was in one fram and disappeared in the next, thus went missing.

Trailer secret - This was hidden in a line of code that went to a secret SB video (

Night Squad logo
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