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Revision as of 18:08, 16 November 2021

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The Monolith Ascendancy
Leader: Stravellia
Head of Diplomacy: Stravellia (Acting)
Faction Information
Government Type: Dictatorship
Official Colors: White, grey, and light blue
Official Motto/Slogan: None
Date of founding: November 16th, 2021
Membership strength: Unknown
Community Discord:
Foreign Affairs
Alliances: None
Enemies: All other military factions

Faction Description

Representing itself as a military dictatorship, the Monolith Ascendancy (abbreviated ASC) is based upon their home planet, the frozen planet of Avalon-439 orbiting the star Stahl-002. Its leadership is divided between domestic and external forces, though is formally led by the Supreme President Renata Kyslykh (known in-game as Stravellia) whom is also considered the Grand Commander Kyslykh of external forces.

White, greys, and light blues are the primary colors used by the ships and stations of the Ascendancy, though royal purple is used instead of light blue for the ships of its elite Armacham Battalion which is tasked with defending the Empress and other high-ranking forces. Ships outside of the Armacham Battalion may also have a 'crown' of varying colors so as to represent a different role, such as homeland defense, scouting, so on and so forth. Ships are seemingly named according to the language used by Avalon, such as the Arkhara-class and Rega-class.


The planet Avalon-439 (oftentimes simply referred to as Avalon) is a frozen planet known to be heavily fortified against all manner of foreign incursion. The capitol city of Avalon (and the Monolith Ascendancy), Kyberna, is a massive fortress city that carries a direct subterranean route to the only publicly-known Ascendancy domestic military base, known only as Deep South.


Due to the philosophy of the Monolith Ascendancy, diplomacy is not particularly important. The Monolith Ascendancy instead uses a priority system that determines how it acts towards others in practice, with military/weapons-oriented parties being subject to its Charter III-B "Expel", which dictates that all armed parties and individuals will be immediately expelled from Ascendancy territory or, if expulsion fails, to eliminate them on sight using lethal force. On the other hand, unarmed/peaceful parties are subject to Charter III-A "Pass", which itself dictates that all unarmed/peaceful parties such as unarmed mining/cargo ships will absolutely never be shot, but may be asked to leave if necessary.

By this system, other military factions are considered potential threats to the Monolith Ascendancy while, say, mining factions are considered safe. This system may be logically extrapolated to apply towards other types of factions based on common sense.

However, the Monolith Ascendancy chooses not to engage in hostilities with Empire or Kingdom, instead remaining neutral towards them.





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