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Revision as of 23:14, 30 June 2024 by Dusty (talk | contribs)

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Satellite ofConsus
Location1st moon of Consus
Orbital Distance~ 600 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume2.68×105 km
Diameter80 km

Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.5 G
Gravity Well16 km

Notable Minerals
Charodium ore.png
Bastium ore.png
Nhurgite ore.png
Haderite ore.png
Ukonium ore.png
Exorium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png
Targium ore.png
Lukium ore.png
Kutonium ore.png

Amort (/ə.ˈmɒrt/) is the subsatellite of the moon Consus. Like many subsatellites of its size, it lacks even a trace atmosphere, and its surface is rough and mountainous.


From Middle English, Amort is a shortened form of the Middle French phrase à la mort, meaning "to the death". In archaic usage, it is used to describe something which is "as if dead"; spiritless, or being at the cusp of death itself.

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