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Satellite ofEuphrosyne
Location1st moon of Euphrosyne
Orbital Distance~ 700 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume6.54×104 km
Diameter50 km

Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.4 G
Gravity Well45 km

Notable Minerals
Daltium ore.png
Merkerium ore.png
Aegisium ore.png
Haderite ore.png
Ilmatrium ore.png
Xhalium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png
Charodium ore.png

Boreas (/ˈˌbɔː.ri.əs/) is a satellite to the moon Euphrosyne, orbiting it at nearly 700 kilometers. Owing to its low mass, Boreas lacks any trace of atmosphere, and its surface is riddled with sharp ridges and deep pockets — clear evidence of numerous asteroid impacts throughout time — and yet despite it, Boreas' gravity well extends well beyond the norm for a satellite of its size. It is perhaps because of this unusually sized gravity well that Boreas has been able to accumulate such mineral wealth over time.


From Greek Mythology, Boreas is the god of the cold northern wind and storms. He was also the god of winter who swept down from the cold mountains of Thrake, chilling the air with his icy breath. Beyond his mountain home lay Hyperborea, a mythical land of eternal spring untouched by the god's winds.

Like the rest of the wind gods, Boreas was said to be the son of Eos, the goddess of the dawn, by her husband Astraeus, a minor star-god. He is thus brother to the rest of the Anemoi (the wind gods), the five star-gods and the justice goddess Astraea.

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