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Talk:True Chemosh Cult

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  • Please do NOT add your RL political propaganda into the article. Also there is NO need to include Russophobia in the article. The game is NOT about RL politics, the article is NOT about RL politics, the Chemosh is NOT about RL politics. Do NOT spoil the article with it. Do NOT change any neutral information to the political garbage of your preference.
  • Do not use this wiki to spread fake info about us, do not throw your own images in it, do ot say that your own png creation is related to us in some way.
  • Do NOT put LGBTQ+/Ukraine/Europe/USA/memes/etc related flags/images into this article, if you are a random person and not a Chemosh member. This is clearly not the place for it. Do not add any bs to it like: "this is the new Chemosh gay-pride flag, and we are very proud of it, bdwahaha" , this is ridiculous and you will be banned for that.
  • Do NOT impersonate any Chemosh member in order to make your vandalism look legitimate. Do NOT create a new user with a sole purpose to vandalise this article. Do NOT create a new user with any funny mocking variations of Chemosh names to make your vandalism look legitimate.
  • This article is about True Chemosh Cult and nothing else. Nobody knows us better than ourselves, so only we have the right to maintain and correct it. Everything here is pure documantary (escept the obvious Roleplay parts), so there is no need for random persons o delete the entire paragraphs just because they want to screw it up and be very proud of it. If you are so mad at True Chemosh Cult, then go and defeat us in game. Important Notice: you will need to log in the game to do that.
  • Remember that vandalism is not allowed and edit wars are not allowed.
  • Be civil and mind your own business, thank you.

Thanks in advance. - Messir Astaroth

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