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Control Devices.png
A variety of buttons for your most pressing requirements
Type Input devices
Function Toggles device fields

Buttons come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, but all serve the same purpose: Toggling device field values. While some buttons like the simple button 12×12 or the switch can only toggle between preset values, others can have customized on and off states applied when triggered. This is particularly useful to avoid using YOLOL to interpret button states.

Basic information

Hybrid buttons are 24×24cm, support custom on/off states, and have a label on their faces that indicate which device field they modify.

Safety lid buttons are 24×24 cm, and have a physical shield in place over them which must be interacted with before the button can be pressed. These buttons support custom on/off states, and also support coloring via their device fields.

Simple buttons come in 12×12 cm and 12×24 cm sizes, and support coloring via their device fields.

Warning light buttons are 12×12 cm, and support custom on/off states, coloring, and a blinking back-light which can be turned on and off.

Switches are 12×24cm, and output one of three states: -1, 0, 1. They also support coloring via their device fields.

Small buttons are approximately 30×30×36 cm, and support custom on/off states.

Twist handles are approximately 24×24×36 cm, and support custom on/off states. These are most typically used to control the flow of propellant tanks.

Configuring a button:

  • Set the ButtonState field name to match the device field you want to control.
  • Set the On- and Off-state values.
  • Pressing the button changes its state depending on ButtonStyle -field value.
  • Buttons with the "ButtonColor" field can have a different button color depending on the value of this field.


Hybrid button.png
Hybrid button

Size 24×24×6 cm
Mass 16.6 kg
Volume 1.67 kv
Corrosion resistance 489
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 24×24 cm


Ajatite 29.94%

Bastium 35.3%

Nhurgite 14.87%

Vokarium 19.89%

Simple button 12x12.png
Simple button 12×12 cm

Size 12×12×6 cm
Mass 4.27 kg
Volume 0.43 kv
Corrosion resistance 420
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 12×12 cm


Simple button 12x24.png
Simple button 12×24 cm

Size 12×24×6 cm
Mass 8.66 kg
Volume 0.87 kv
Corrosion resistance 420
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 12×24 cm


Ajatite 39.85%

Bastium 40.22%

Vokarium 19.93%

Small button.png
Small button

Size 30×30×36 cm
Mass 127.36 kg
Volume 12.80 kv
Corrosion resistance 360
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Sockets 1


Switch 12x24.png
Switch 12×24

Size 24×12×12 cm
Mass 786 kg
Volume 0.79 kv
Corrosion resistance 360
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 12×24 cm


Bastium 70.07%

Vokarium 29.93%

Twist handle.png
Twist handle

Size 24×24×30 cm
Mass 64.1 kg
Volume 6.44 kv
Corrosion resistance 300
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 24×24 cm


Bastium 100%

Safety lid button (round).png
Safety lid button (round)

Size 24×24×12 cm
Mass 22.8 kg
Volume 2.29 kv
Corrosion resistance 480
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 24×24 cm


Ajatite 59.85%

Bastium 10.22%

Vokarium 29.93%

Safety lid button (square).png
Safety lid button (square)

Size 24×24×12 cm
Mass 22.6 kg
Volume 2.27 kv
Corrosion resistance 480
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 24×24 cm


Ajatite 59.85%

Bastium 10.22%

Vokarium 29.93%

Warning light button 12x12.png
Warning light button 12×12

Size 24×24×12 cm
Mass 4.28 kg
Volume 0.43 kv
Corrosion resistance 300
Primary material Bastium
Input / Output

Modular interfaces 12×12 cm


Bastium 100%

Device fields

Small button, Hybrid button & Twist handle

YOLOL field description range
ButtonState The name of the field of which value the button modifies. ButtonOnStateValue / ButtonOffStateValue
ButtonOnStateValue Controls the value when pressed
ButtonOffStateValue Controls the value when released
ButtonStyle Controls the interaction type of the button 0: Hold down and release 1: Basic Toggle (in-game button remains down while it is "on") 2: 4-state switch (in-game button returns to the unpressed position whether it is "on" or "off")

Warning light button

YOLOL field description range
ButtonState The name of the field of which value the button modifies. 0/1
ButtonStyle Controls the interaction type of the button 0: Hold down and release 1: Basic Toggle (in-game button remains down while it is "on") 2: 4-state switch (in-game button returns to the unpressed position whether it is "on" or "off")
ButtonColor Sets the color of the button. 0 = Red, 1 = Orange, 2 = Green, 3 = Blue, Anything else = Red
ButtonEnableBlink When enabled the button will light up periodically. 0 = No blinking, 1 = Blinking (Number sets the interval)

Simple buttons

YOLOL field description range
ButtonState The name of the field of which value the button modifies. 0/1
ButtonStyle Controls the interaction type of the button 0: Hold down and release 1: Basic Toggle (in-game button remains down while it is "on") 2: 4-state switch (in-game button returns to the unpressed position whether it is "on" or "off")
ButtonColor Sets the color of the button. 0 = Blue, 1 = Red, 2 = Green, 3 = White, Anything else = Blue


YOLOL field description range
SwitchState The name of the field of which value the button modifies. -1/0/1
SwitchStyle Controls the interaction type of the button 0: Hold down and release 1: Toggle (-1/0/1) 2: Toggle (-1/1)
SwitchColor Sets the color of the button. 0 = Black, 1 = Red, 2 = Orange, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, Anything else = Black

Safety lid buttons

YOLOL field description range
ButtonState The name of the field of which value the button modifies. ButtonOnStateValue / ButtonOffStateValue
ButtonOnStateValue Controls the value when pressed
ButtonOffStateValue Controls the value when released
ButtonStyle Controls the interaction type of the button 0: Hold down and release 1: Basic Toggle (in-game button remains down while it is "on") 2: 4-state switch (in-game button returns to the unpressed position whether it is "on" or "off")
ButtonColor Sets the color of the button. 0 = Red, 1 = Orange, 2 = Green, 3 = Blue, Anything else = Red
ButtonEnableBlink When enabled the button will light up periodically. 0 = No blinking, 1 = Blinking (Number sets the interval)

To learn more about the usage of fields, consult these wiki pages:

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