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Propellant tank

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Starbase large gas container.png

Propellant is the fuel for spaceship thrusters.
Propellant is usually contained in large, medium or small gas canisters.
These canisters are often placed inside a space ship, and bolted down to secure them.

Basic information

Propellant tanks do not usually require regular maintenance.
They are placed in a ship, connected to the ship's thrusters with a pipe tool, and replaced when empty.
Most often the optimal propellant usage is achieved when the maximum thrust is at 70%.
The small, medium and large tanks hold 1.5, 5 and 12 million units of propellant respectively.
The price to fully re-fill a tank is 1,5 million, 5 million and 12 million respectively.

Device fields

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

Propellant canisters are also a part of:

YOLOL field description range
GasContainerStoredResource Output field for amount of resource currently available.
GasContainerMaxResource Output field for maximum amount of resource that can be stored.
IsOpenId Input/output field for closing/opening connectors.
FlowId Output field for resource amounts flowing through the network.
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