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Hermes Transport Network

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Hermes Transport Network
Hermes Transport Network Logo v1.png
The Board
Chief Directors
  • HawkDog100 - Director of Security
Faction Information
Type: Transport & Trade
Focuses: Transport, Trade, Security, Construction, Exploration
Founded: 4th of Feb 2020
Members 10
Colours: Antique Bronze, Pale Oyster, Black
Slogan "You give it, We ship it!"
Faction Relations
Non-Aggression Pacts


Who Are We?

Hermes Transport Network is an independent transport & trade company that sits upon our gigantic flagship known as Hermes' Chariot. With no station and no base, we are always on the move; Hermes has a strong passion towards exploration and we aim to travel to many unexplored regions around Eos and of course, beyond...

In terms of services, we mainly transport cargo between other factions and along trade networks / supply chains. We also offer public player transport for everyone. Whatever you need moving, we can ship it!


The Olympus Project


General Structure

Crew Ranks

All members of HTN also make up the crew onboard our ship. The crew are responsible for general tasks and duties of the company, such as ship construction, ship repairs, stowage of cargo and the protection of cargo. The crew also maintain the ship's internal security and man the guns if ever we are attacked. It is clear that Hermes' Chariot is the centre of our company, therefore your crew rank is also your overarching title and position within Hermes.

Ship Crew

External Departments

We also have extra jobs that are not directly carried out onboard the main ship. These are handled by our External Departments.

External Security

External Security specialises in piloting smaller fighter ships to protect us from external threats such as pirates. They also have priority over onboard weaponry, to ensure that our most skilled gunners are operating them in those crucial moments. The rank structure is similar to that of a military, though it is heavily simplified as we tend to try and stay out of conflict wherever possible.

External Security

Research & Development

R&D focuses on improving our technology in all other departments to make it more efficient, cheaper and hopefully better than our competition. This includes designing ships, such as fighters and mining frigates, constructing efficient factories, improving YOLOL code and scripting new and unique YOLOL technology.

Research & Development

Company Resources

Company Resources is mostly made up of miners who venture out into the unknown hoping to return back to the ship with raw materials where they then work with R&D to create intricate refining factories that process their goods into usable material.

Company Resources


Joining Applications

If you would like to join Hermes Transport Network, please head over to our Discord server ( where you will find all the required information to join.

Transportation Requests

If you would like to request any form of transportation, the best way of contacting us would again be through joining our Discord server here:

PLEASE NOTE: Until Starbase's official release, our company will not be fully operational as we have no members in-game as of right now. This means we are not accepting any sort of transport requests (obviously).


Also on our discord (, you will find a channel where you can open a diplomacy ticket if you are a faction owner looking to contact upper management.

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