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Elysium (Moon)

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The first celestial surface landed on by an Endoskeleton. An expedition organised by Hatman, member of Collective, succeeded in being the first to reach this moon. Hatman named it Elysium, which has since been its unofficial name, occasionally used by developers. Abbreviation: Ely.


A flat, gray moon dotted with many mountains. It is believed to be the closest moon to the home station at about 20,000 km, and was the first to be explored. It's exact size and distance is unknown. It has since been given a green atmosphere, and is currently the only moon with city structures and a warp gate. Ships approaching the lunar surface should be built to withstand gravity.


The moon had been an intended goal for many adventurous individuals. The Collective had been planning the trip with Hatman as the lead. Hatman designed the Moonshot as the first spacecraft specifically designed for an expedition to the moon. The operation was carried out in secret, with only news being officially broadcast when Hatman went live on twitch 9 hours after the start of his journey. This was done to make sure he could not be pursued and/or attacked by other players wanting the stop him.



The first moon city.


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