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Community navigation systems

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 09:21, 18 July 2020 by Dusty (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 16592. Objectivity is key to any Wiki.)

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Since Starbase has no in built coordinate system accesable to the player, it has been neccersary to develop comunity soloutions to the problem of 'where am I?'

Systems so far untilise the Transmitter and Receiver systems to determine a ships position using Multilateration.


Both systems below share compatable coordinates, information about the position of various stations can be found in the Transmitters page.

Duke's GPS System

Triangulation of coordinates in Starbase, using Transmitters and YOLOL
Developed by Duke

While being the first publicly available navigation system, this is now considered inferior to ISAN.


ISAN - Integrated System for Autonomous Navigation
Developed by Collective

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