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Revision as of 06:34, 29 June 2024 by Dusty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{SB Infobox Begin |{{SB Infobox Header |image=Image:Melia.png |factionLogo= |caption= |name= |border=none |edgeless=true }} {{SB Infobox Celestial Body General Information |pronunciation={{IPAc-en|m|ɛ|.|ˈ|l|i|.|a:}} |languageOrigin=Ancient Greek |ipaKey=key |alias=Mel |class=Submoon |satelliteOf=Mellifluus |location=1st moon of Mellifluus |orbitalDistanc...")

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Satellite ofMellifluus
Location1st moon of Mellifluus
Orbital Distance~ 500 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume2.68×105 km
Diameter80 km

Atmospheric Height10 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.5 G
Gravity Well16 km

Notable Minerals
Naflite ore.png
Exorium ore.png
Ukonium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png
Charodium ore.png
Lukium ore.png
Targium ore.png
Kutonium ore.png

Melia (/mɛ.ˈli.ɑː/) is the subsatellite to Mellifluus, with which it shares both its resource composition and its bright turquoise surface color. Unlike Mellifluus, however, Melia has an atmosphere of rich purple and fuchsia, which becomes an exquisite shade of salmon at sunrise and sunset.


In Greek mythology, the Meliae (also called Meliads), or Μελίαι in Ancient Greek, were usually considered to be the nymphs of the ash tree, whose name they shared.

According to Hesiod, the Meliae (probably meaning all tree-nymphs) were born from the drops of blood that fell on Gaia [Earth] when Cronus castrated Uranus. In Hesiod's Works and Days, the ash trees, perhaps meaning the Melian nymphs, are said to have been the progenitors of the generation of men belonging to Hesiod's Bronze Age.

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