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User:DustyFB/Sandbox/Box thruster

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Starbase devices thrusters box.png
Box thruster
Type Thrusters
Function Generates propulsion
Availability Luxury Items
Size 360×96×144 cm
Mass 18,878.53 kg (approx.)
Volume 1,897.34 kv
Corrosion resistance 350

Input / Output
Electric input 210 e/s (T1), 183.6 e/s (T2), 297 e/s (T3)

Propellant input 31 p/s (T1), 29.97p/s (T2), 39.2p/s (T3)

Thrust power 500,000 (T1), 550,000 (T2), 650,000 (T3)

Device interfaces 2

Box thruster, body.png
Box thruster combustion chamber, tier 1.png
Box thruster nozzle, tier 2.png
Thruster electricity converter, tier 2 updated.png
Thruster gas converter, tier 2 updated.png

Box thrusters are a type of thruster that produce significantly more thrust than triangle thrusters, at the expense of nearly double the electricity intake. They are most commonly found working as the main thrusters of civilian ships.

Basic information

Box thrusters are composed of five distinct components:

  • The body, which houses the other components and provides convenient mounting surfaces.
  • The chamber, which burns propellant to produce thrust.
  • The nozzle, which channels the exhaust out of the chamber (thus producing thrust).
  • The electricity converter, which converts power from generators and batteries into power usable by the thruster.
  • The gas converter, which prepares propellant to be burnt.

Unlike triangle thrusters, box thrusters do not have a resource-sharing port, and cannot be placed adjacent to one another in order to share power or propellant. Each box thruster must have its own device base with its own connection to the power and propellant networks in order to function. Despite this, and though they require significantly more space, box thrusters remain a popular choice as they produce considerable thrust per unit (500,000 thrust).

Device fields

YOLOL field description range
ThrusterState Requested output of the thruster 0 - 10 000
ThrusterCurrentThrust Current output of the thruster 0 - 10 000

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

Related content

Box thruster resource usage (dark).png

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