Wayfinder is one of Starbase's first player made stations. It is situated above the belt, far from Origin.
People are welcome to visit it at https://isan.to/wayfinder
Early Construction
The moment the station patch dropped people were moving out to the pre-assigned coordinates to begin construction. It was the first big meeting of Substrate members. In the first day the station was lost twice due to bugs and the printer was found to be unusable, but work went on. Soon a system of hauling backpacks full of parts and ore was setup, a process that continued throughout its construction. A leaderboard was setup to incentivise contributions, with the three biggest contributors being [QS] Jack (1100 backpacks), <C:\Archduke> (679 backpacks), and <C:\Blargh> (530 backpacks.) But even as backpacks were delivered en mass Solonerus carried on the arduous process of slowly painting the station. Every Substrate member faction contributed, and it is controlled jointly.
It was finished on day 39, at approximately 21:00 UTC 2021-01-11 by the Substrate Alliance. In total nearly 5000 backpacks carrying nearly 80 000 parts were delivered and <D:\Solonerus> spent 145 hours painting it. While not the first completed station, it was notably further than the first station to be completed.