The Galactic Federation
The Galactic Federation is a multipurpose faction focusing on Military and industry.
Government: Junta/Oligarchy
Regiments and Divisions
Federal Navy
Star Corps: They focus on flying ships/commanding ships (depends on your rank)
Crew Members: They tend to operate larger ship classifications This includes, Navigation, Maintenance, Gunners and ammo bearers(Other Division will be able to do these task but will not be their primary task)
Trooper Corps 1st Infantry Platoon/1st Crimson Raptors Platoon Leader: Lt. Tumble
2nd Infantry Platoon
Platoon Leader:Cpt. Connor
Member Count:6
Company Company Leader: Cpt.Val 1st Infantry Platoon 2nd Infantry Platoon
The Galactic Federation is part of the Substrate alliance.
Joining The Galactic Federation
If you wish to join the Galactic Federation please visit our Discord server.