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Collective glow3.png
Harmonic (diplomacy, RP, recruitment)
  • Archduke
S.W.A.R.M. (military)
  • Goosedoff
R&D (YOLOL, ship design, art)
  • Nordwolf
  • Ares
  • Timothy
Logistical (economy, construction)
  • Battle_Wrath
Firewall (security)
  • Zaff
Faction Information
Government type: Technocracy / meritocracy
Focus: Tech, general
Official Colors: Dark red, crimson red, black
Motto/Slogan We are one.
Date of founding: May 30, 2019
Member count 400+
Discord Link
Tags <C:\name>, [COL]
Foreign Affairs
Alliances Lodestar

Dark Star Imperium

Enemies None formally declared

The Collective is a technocratic faction ruled by an assembly of the most skilled individuals. Despite the menacing appearance, the hive mind is mostly neutral and concerned with its own interests. Collective is a member of the Lodestar alliance.



P R O S P E R I T Y   T H R O U G H   T E C H N O L O G Y

Collective aims to be the state-of-the-art in all technology and design; automating the more mundane tasks, with the ultimate end goal of creating Von Neumann probes. Aesthetics of a technical solution hold minimal value, only functionality, efficiency and innovation matter.


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The Collective matrix is divided into groups of specialized members forming "Submatrices". Each Submatrix is lead by the most skilled and dedicated members called Cores.


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“Safeguarding Collective’s interests and creating a prominent reputation in the wider community through far-reaching visibility, enduring presence, amiable negotiators and exemplary conduct.”


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“Space Warfare & Advanced Reconnaissance Module (S.W.A.R.M) is to be a dominant force of defensive and offensive action. Using our stratagem, tactics, and technological superiority, we seek to safeguard the Collective and all of its assets, be those the biggest stations to the lowest-ranking units”


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“The think tank of R&D brainstorms and creates solutions for the problems all other branches of the Collective run into. Engineering a better tomorrow for the Collective, today.”


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“Ensuring that through Automation, Efficiency, Communication and hard work, the Logistical Submatrix can ensure all material and service needs of the Collective are met.”



“Subroutine: A sequence of program instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit.” The common term for any member of Collective.

Central Mind

The combined minds of all subroutines (members) make up a form of collective consciousness referred to as Central Mind. This entity is the "personification" of Collective's will and goals. (Outside role-play, Central Mind is a custom Discord bot helping with managing the faction)


Integration is the process of becoming one with Central Mind. Not compatible with any rogue AI which has not willingly realized the benefits of integration.

We are one

Collective's slogan. On the surface summarizes the hive mind theme, internally it means a focus on coordinated cooperation and working together to achieve great goals.

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