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== Description ==
== Description ==
''<small>This is to set the RP setting</small>''
<span>''<small>This is to set the RP setting</small>''</span></br>
The Imperium of Man is the galactic empire under which the majority of humanity is united. The founder and nominal ruler of the Imperium are the god-like Emperor of Mankind, the most powerful human psyker ever known.
The Imperium of Man is the galactic empire under which the majority of humanity is united. The founder and nominal ruler of the Imperium are the god-like Emperor of Mankind, the most powerful human psyker ever known.

Revision as of 14:23, 18 February 2021

The Imperium of Man
Leadership Structure
The Emperor Emperor
High Lords of Terra Position and Name
  • Captain-General Kitten
  • Inquisitorial Representative Random Inquisitor
  • Fabricator General Schark Adeptus Mechanicus
  • Primarch Vulkan of the Salamanders Chapter
Government Type Theocratic Oligarchy
TAG ImpMan/ADmech
Primarch Primarchs
Faction Information
Motto/Slogan Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant
Date of founding 04/07/2019
Membership strength 50+
Discord Link
Primary Industry Classified
Secondary Industry Classified
Foreign Affairs
Alliances Substrate
Enemies Classified

This page is work in progress and such it contains major flaws


Audio Format

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition, and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


This is to set the RP setting
The Imperium of Man is the galactic empire under which the majority of humanity is united. The founder and nominal ruler of the Imperium are the god-like Emperor of Mankind, the most powerful human psyker ever known.

The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy, consisting of at least a million worlds that are dispersed across most of the galaxy. An Imperial planet might be separated from its closest neighbor by hundreds or thousands of light-years. As a stellar empire, the size of the Imperium cannot be measured in terms of contiguous territory, but only in the number of planetary systems in its control.

Several aliens and forces - the forces of Chaos, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks, Tau, Necrons - challenge the supremacy of the Imperium. From within, the Imperium is threatened more insidiously by rebellion, mutation, rogue psykers, and subversive cults. Without the protection of the Imperium, mankind would fall prey to the countless perils that threaten it.



The Imperium of Man aims to be prosperous through any means necessary; be it thy enemy with the goal of eliminating us or be it a civil war our end goal is to survive through any hardship as we grow in numbers so grow our struggles. Be it Aesthetics, Weapons, Automation it holds little value as long as we survive and prosper amongst the stars.


The expansion of it's realm and prosperity for it's citizens.

Allies and Enemies


Join our Discord!

The Imperium is actively looking for new citizens and soldiers. Enlist today!

Ranking Structure

'Org chart of how the Ranking structure works'
This chart shows how the imperium is run and what division holds power over which division, however, the Adeptus Custodes are under command of the Emperor himself

[1]: Adeptus Custodes

< Chief Custodian to the Emperor >

Custodian Tribunate
< The Custodian Tribunate is a group of ten veteran Custodians who act as advisors to their Captain-General and are directly beneath him in terms of ranking within the Adeptus Custodes. >

< Senior Officer. There were 3 Tribunes during the Horus Heresy era, though now there are two. >




Supreme Castellan

Aquila Commander

< Squad Leader. These are the most veteran, well-knowledged, and experienced Custodians. The rank exists concurrently with other Custodian titles such as Prefect, Lictor, Proconsul, and Tribune. >


[2]: The Inquisition

Inquisitorial Representative
< The Inquisitorial Representative is the voice of the Inquisition on the Senatorum Imperialis. Although the role does not bring any additional authority above that of Inquisitor Lord, it does put the holder in a position of unrivaled power and authority due to the influence he has at the highest levels of power. The Inquisitorial Representative is nominated from amongst the Inquisitor Lords of the sectors surrounding Terra, and Inquisitors that have filled this role are referred to as an Inquisitor Lord Terran. It is not unusual for several Inquisitor Lords Terran to share the role of Inquisitorial Representative at the same time. The maximum term that an Inquisitor Lord Terran can serve on the Senatorum is five years, after which they must stand down. >

< The title sometimes given to the Inquisitor Lord who runs a sector or sub-sector Conclave; the Inquisitorial authority for a specific sector of Imperial space. >

< Where an Ordo has a strong presence in a sector or sub-sector, the senior Inquisitor Lord of each Ordo may be given the title "Master". Their role is to oversee and guide the activities of members of their Ordo and provide counsel to the Grandmaster. Upon the death of a Grandmaster, a successor is chosen by secret ballot between the three Masters. >

Lord Inquisitor
< Lord Inquisitors exist to help maintain the integrity of the organisation, and to watch over and guide its members. The title is a recognition of an Inquisitor's power and influence rather than an absolute rank, and is more a formalisation of a position enjoyed by the Inquisitor rather than an actual promotion. Promotion to the ranks of Inquisitor Lord is by invitation only; an Inquisitor must be nominated by an existing Lord and have his nomination approved by two others. >

< The Inquisitor ordinary. The vast majority of the Inquisitors are of this rank. >

[2]: The Inquisition - Acolytes

High Interrogator
< A senior rank of Interrogator, but still short of full Inquisitorial status. >

< The second stage for an Inquisitor in training. Interrogators are both capable and strong, having a tremendous will to survive battle alongside their mentors. >

< The first step of an Inquisitor in training, they learn how to extract information using torture under the direction of their mentor Inquisitor. >

Legate Investigator
< Some Ordos, such as the Ordos Calixis, make use of Acolytes gifted with a formal carta of inquiry and a Sigil of Question, giving them the formal authority of the Inquisition for the duration of a particular investigation. >

< The lead Acolyte of a Warband. >

Throne Agent
< The most trusted members of an Inquisitor's retinue, Throne Agents have ascended to join the ranks of the Inquisition itself, and have both power and responsibility accordingly. >

Trusted Acolyte
< Often given positions of responsibility, such as running an Inquisitor's facilities while they are away or operating in long-term undercover operations. >

Proven Acolyte
< After a cell has completed several successful missions, they are inducted more fully into the workings of the Inquisition and can operate more interdependently. >

< Servants and aids of Inquisitors. Though not of the rank of Inquisitors, they are nonetheless considered agents of the Inquisition. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes

Chapter Master
< The highest attainable rank of Space Marine, commanding their entire Chapter. Notable variations include Supreme Grand Master for the Unforgiven, Great Khan for the White Scars, High Marshal for the Black Templars, Master of the Shadows for the Raven Guard, and Great Wolf for the Space Wolves. Some Chapters, like the Iron Hands, do not maintain a Chapter Master. >
< The second highest command rank of a Chapter, they command a Company or its equivalent. Variations include Master for the Dark Angels, Marshal for the Black Templars, Wolf Lord for the Space Wolves, Iron Captain for the Iron Hands, and Khan for the White Scars. Many Captains are given an honorific Master title. >
Command Sergeant
< They are the most senior commanders, and may command more than one squad, with Sergeants or Veteran Sergeants under them. >
Veteran Sergeant
< Battle hardened Sergeants who are the next in the command line. They are also able to command entire squads, but are more senior than Sergeants in the chain of command. >
< Command Squads within each Company. Sergeants within the Chapter's 1st Company are known as Veteran Sergeants. >
< Standard Space Marine rank for a fully inducted warrior. May include honorific duties such as Honour Guard, Company Champion, or Standard Bearer. The most experienced Battle-Brothers serve in the Chapter's 1st Company as Veteran Space Marines, who may wear ancient Terminator armor. >
Vanguard Space Marine
< Covert-operation experts typically drawn from the 10th Scout Company. A Chapter will normally maintain 100 of these specialists. >
< Space Marines in-training who have not become fully accepted Battle-Brothers. They are utilized in a Chapter's Scout Squads as a part of their training. >
< Humans selected to be inducted into a Chapter and undergo genetic modification. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes - Librarium
Chief Librarian
< The senior most Librarian of a Chapter and the commander of its Librarium. >
< Psyker warriors of the Chapter. Variations include Rune Priest for the Space Wolves and Stormseer for the White Scars. Some Chapters, such as the Black Templars, do not use Librarians. >
< The 2nd highest rank of Librarian >
< The 3rd highest rank of Librarian >
< The rank of newly-inducted Librarians >
< Librarians in training, not yet inducted into the Librarium. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes - Reclusium
Master of Sanctity
< The senior most Chaplain of a Chapter and commander of its Reclusium. >
< Senior Chaplains >
< Warrior-Priests of a Chapter who oversee morale, discipline, and spiritual purity. Variations include Wolf Priests of the Space Wolves and Interrogator-Chaplains of the Unforgiven. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes - Apothecarion Ranks
Master of the Apothecarion
< Senior most Apothecary and commander of their Chapter's Apothecarion. >
< Battlefield medical specialists charged with not only healing their comrades, but also collecting the Gene-Seed of fallen warriors. Variations include the Sanguinary Priests of the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes - Armoury Ranks
Master of the Forge
< Most senior rank who commands the Chapter Armoury. >
< Technology officers and engineers of a Chapter who maintain the Armoury. Variations include Iron Father for the Iron Hands and Iron Priests for the Space Wolves. >

[3]: Adeptus Astartes - Misc
Master of the Signal
< Battlefield communications specialists. >
Chapter Ancient
< Revered Standard-bearer >

[4]: Adepta Sororitas
Abbess of the Adepta Sororitas (Abbess Sanctorum)
< the commander of the Convent Sanctorum on Terra; also the overall spiritual leader of the Sisterhood. In military matters she is assisted the Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum. Although there is only a single Abbess, her full title is Abbess Sanctorum. Presently the position is vacant. >

< the overall commander of a single convent. >

< command rank, there are several >
* Canoness Superior
  * In command of an entire Order
* Canoness Preceptor
  * In command of a Preceptory
* Canoness Comander
  * In command of a Commandry

< command rank below Canoness >

Sister Superior

[4]: Adepta Sororitas - Ranks of the Orders Militant

< Elite Battle Sisters, they often form squads of bodyguards for Cannonesses and Palatines. >

< only the very best Battle Sisters are elevated to the rank of Seraphim and are generally organized into specialize squads. Seraphim receive special training and equipment, primarily jump packs. >

< Standard battle sisters with special weapons. >

< Standard battle sisters with heavy weapons. >

Battle Sister
< the basic rank of Adepta Sororitas. >

[5]: Astra Militarum - Commissariat
< Commissar-General is the senior-most rank within the Commissariat. Besides their usual duties, these highly experienced Commissars are also tasked with the additional responsibilities of assigning Commissars under their command to overwatch Imperial Guard officers and promoting Commissar Cadets to full-Commissar status. >

PDF Commissar
< The Commissariat has oversight authority over all branches of the Astra Militarum, which would include Planetary Defence Forces (PDF). Commissars assigned to these thankless postings are usually advanced in age, or have been subjected to disciplinary action. In practice, only a single Commissar would be assigned to a PDF of an entire world, or even several planets within a Sub-sector, playing little to no role in the activities of such forces. >

Lord Commissar
< Lord Commissars are senior-ranking Commissars, promoted to this esteemed rank after displaying exemplary battlefield service over many solar decades of experience. The battlefield heroics of a Lord Commissar are often the stuff of legends to the average Guardsman. See below for more information. >

< Colonel-Commissar is a very rare rank, conferred upon a Commissar only in unusual or extraordinary circumstances. This rank refers only to those Commissars awarded regimental command rank, and charged with commanding an Imperial Guard regiment. The inherent conflict between the performance of the dual roles of Commissar and regimental commanding officer is normally seen as a threat to a regiment's discipline by the Commissariat. >

< Commissar-Captain is a rarely-seen rank that is an intermediary position between a full Commissar and a Commissar-General. Though the particular role of a Commissar-Captain is not easily defined, it has been observed that Commissars who maintain this rank have been seen supervising at a regimental level. >

< Commissar is the standard rank of these political officers, at least one being assigned per regiment of the Imperial Guard or voidship of the Imperial Navy. It is their duty to "encourage" the men of an Imperial Guard regiment to fight, fighting alongside the regiment's officers and taking control when morale is flagging or the men are not fighting with sufficient zeal. In such situations a Commissar can take over command from an officer and summarily execute any man who tries to flee. Even a Colonel of a regiment must be sure to display courage and zeal at all times when a Commissar is watching them. >

Junior Commissar
< Junior Commissars are subordinate to full Commissars, performing the role as a junior aide in the oversight of the regiment or voidship assigned to a full Commissar. They primarily perform as adjutants and in an investigatory role as well as carrying out the usual Commissarial duties, although they do not have permission to perform executions without prior consent from higher ranked officers. Junior Commissars often undertake their Commissarial role with smaller formations such as an individual squad, platoon or company. >

Cadet Commissars
< Cadet-Commissars are Commissars-in-training. Assigned to Commissar Training Squads they are armed and equipped with the standard gear of a regular Guardsman, although they maintain their usual Commissar panoply; leather long coat, gloves, jack boots, and high-peaked caps. Their uniforms only differ slightly from a full Commissar by featuring blue trim and a Cadet-Commissar emblem instead of the usual death's head emblem of a full Commissar. Their training has no set duration, and a Cadet-Commissar will only be graduated to full Commissar status upon being deemed worthy by the Commissariat. >

[5]: Astra Militarum - High Command
Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard
< This is the highest rank of the strategic staff of the Departmento Munitorum. A powerful official, he is often appointed to a position on the High Lords of Terra, the governing body of the Imperium. >
Lord Commander
< A subordinate strategic rank, five Lord Commanders are each responsible for the Guard forces in each of the Imperium's segmentums. >
< Warmasters are created when a Crusade is being planned and resources from multiple sectors are needed. The rank is not available unless granted by the High Lords of Terra. >
Lord General Militant
< the highest conventional field rank in the Imperial Guard. They are in charge of whole battlegroups of Imperial Guard regiments and are assigned to their combat theatres by the Departmento Munitorum. >

[5]: Astra Militarum - General Staff
Lord General
< Various different titles for this rank exist depending upon cultural context, including Lord Castellan, Lord Marshal and Captain-General. This general officer commands an entire army group and is a member of the General Staff of the Astra Militarum. >
< Various different titles for this rank exist depending upon cultural context. This general officer is the leader of multiple regiments in an army group or the commander of a single battlegroup and is a member of the General Staff of the Astra Militarum. >
Lieutenant General
Major General

[5]: Astra Militarum - Regimental Officers
< Typically the commanding officer of a regiment. >
< The second-in-command of a regiment. This rank (or equivalent) does not appear particularly universal. >
< Combat Unit (typically Company-strength) commander, they are the most common regimental senior officers. >
Tank Commander
< Lead squadrons of Battle Tanks and accompanying infantry. >
< The most junior officer on the battlefield commanding Imperial Guard forces. They are generally thought as platoon leaders. >

[5]: Astra Militarum - Non Commissioned Officers and Below
< Various different titles for this rank exist depending upon cultural context. This non-commissioned officer is the commander of a squad or equivalent-sized formation. >
< Various different titles for this rank exist depending upon cultural context. This non-commissioned officer can serve as the commander of a squad or equivalent-sized formation in the absence of a Sergeant. >
< A rank-and-file enlisted trooper. >
< While in some regiments Conscripts are on the same level as a standard Guardsman, in others they must "earn" their right to be fully inducted into the regiment. This is particularly prominent with Whiteshields. >

[6]: Adeptus Terra - Adeptus Administratum
The Master of the Administratum
< The titular head of the organization and one of the High Lords of Terra >
The Master Logisticar
< Senior position >
Adeptus (or Adept)
< The title of all members of the Adeptus Terra, from the highest ranking to the most petty of functionaries >
Prefectus (or Prefect)
< Officers and officials >
< Departmental heads >
< Minor administrative officials >
< Maintains the ancient records of the Imperium; the rank also requires associated historical and linguistic knowledge >
< Lowly functionaries responsible for keeping records >
< Special form of messengers; they memorize dictation with a single scan, repeating it verbatim when they reach their destination; they have no knowledge of the messages they carry >
< Lowly non-specialized workers recruited from the non-adept population >
< Hereditary slaves who serve as engineers, craftsmen, etc, as well as in unskilled occupations >
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