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Satellite ofMélusine
Location2nd moon of Mélusine
Orbital Distance~ 700 km

Moon Characteristics

Volume1.13×105 km
Diameter60 km

Atmospheric Height10 km
Crust MaterialValkite

Surface Gravity0.35 G
Gravity Well12 km

Notable Minerals
Nhurgite ore.png
Ajatite ore.png
Valkite ore.png
Vokarium ore.png
Ymrium ore.png
Arkanium ore.png

Vilkacis (/ˈvɪl.xʌ(t).zɪs/) is the larger of Mélusine's two moons, and the only one with a visible atmosphere. Vilkacis has a bluish white surface that appears icy, but presents with unusual layering like that of sedimentary rock on its dune-like geography. Its atmosphere is a very light and cloudy blue with violet highlights, and turns a greenish yellow at sunset and sunrise. Ground fog is especially thick on Vilkacis, and visibility is limited at the surface.


From Latvian mythology, a Vilkacis is a creature which bears many similarities to a werewolf, but with a few key differences. Their shapeshifting is often attributed to accident than at-will manifestation, and would occur when an individual stood between two pines which had grown together at a certain time. There are conflicting reports on the disposition of a Vilkacis, but it is generally agreed that they serve no higher calling but their own - whatever that may be - as they are said to retain their sense of self through their transformation.

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