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Missile launcher

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Missile launcher.png
A 9-slot missile launcher
Missile launcher
Type Mounted weapon
Function Anti-armor

Size 120×144×72 cm
Mass 5,668.3 kg
Volume 605.59 kv
Corrosion resistance 245
Primary material Kutonium
Weapon Characteristics
Rate of fire 300 RPM
Muzzle velocity 360-460 m/s
Projectile voxel mass 29.33 kv

Projectile lifetime
Magazine capacity 9

While missiles can be launched using a universal tool, they are best used in conjunction with a missile launcher.The missile launcher allows YOLOL to directly interface with the missiles, which can be used to fire missiles at a push of a button - or even automate the process. The launcher can also automatically lock all missiles within it into battery, which is required for the safe transport of the missiles.


More information can be found in this official missile video.

Device fields

YOLOL field description range
TubeLockX Locks the tube at position X 0 - 1
LauncherLock Locks all tubes 0 - 1
SelectedTube Tube selected for next launch 0 - 9
MissileLocked Displays status of selected tube "Empty" "Locked"
LaunchMissile Launches selected tube 0 - 1

To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:

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