Freelance Operatives of XenoCow
F.O.X. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Quick Facts
Freelance Operatives of XenoCow (F.O.X. or FOX) is a (nearly) apolitical union of players designed to provide organization, resources, and community for players who like to play alone or outside of company/faction operations. Members may be members of both F.O.X. and another company or faction† simultaneously. Members will have access to a discord server where they may:
- Post jobs
- View and accept jobs
- Post and maintain a CV that can be rated
- Team up with other players to be able to tackle larger jobs
- Post advertisements
- Worship Pip/Bob/Clang
†See Rulesfor exceptions.
Freelance Operatives of XenoCow
The universe can often be a hard place for a lone endo. However, some of the factions and companies that offer membership can be equally challenging due to the commitments required. What's an endo to do that wants to live free? Tasks can be hard to find, so we're here to make it easier. Not only can members of F.O.X. find tasks and meet clients, but they can request the help of fellow F.O.X. members when the task is too big for one endo alone.
Membership is not limited to freelance endos! If you want a task done, the task board is be the best place to post your tasks. Additionally, we have a dossier of members (employers and freelancers) that let you find the right endo for the task. If you end up being rated too low, maybe it's time to ask for some help or to put on a smile for the clients.
There are not many rules to be in this organization. Endos may even be a member of a faction (with some exceptions) and also a member of F.O.X..
Don't be a pirate. The only organizations that F.O.X. members may not be concurrently affiliated with are ones that practice piracy. Exceptions may be made if the organization is at war with another and condones privateering. However, members may not be privateers either.
Don't let pirates get away. If during your adventures or jobs you encounter pirates, you must do your best to destroy them completely. The only exception to this rule comes if fighting them puts your client's mission at greater risk or if the odds are stacked greatly against you.
Follow the motto. Act with integrity, honor, and retain your freedom in all that you do.
Respect each other. Sometimes, especially during times of war, endos might be hired to work for both sides of a conflict. If that is the case, fight for your client, but when the fighting stops you may not hold any grudges against the fellow F.O.X. members whom you fought.
Members that are mercenaries are required to help with fighting or combat logistics if one of the F.O.X. members needs standing up for or F.O.X. is hired to fight in a conflict. However, mercenaries will be prohibited from participating in conflicts against their own companies.
F.O.X.'s main goal is to create a universe where endos are free to live as they please and to act as an opposing force to bandits. Secondly, we strive to help the endos that might be having a tough time finding good work find something meaningful to do. Thirdly, we wish to set the bar for what quality service looks like. F.O.X. should become synonymous with freelancer as we work to fill the tasks that need doing.
Getting Started
To get started, follow this link: to join the server. Once you arrive, you will be greeted by the #welcome channel. From there, proceed to the #roles channel to give yourself a role or two to have access to the rest of the server.
Using the Discord Server
This section describes the function and use of the channels in the Discord server.
This is where new members first join. It displays some basic information on how the server works and where to go to get started.
This channel allows members to assign themselves roles to access the rest of the server and to show what kind of member they are. There are four options:
- Guest: The starting role which only has access to the #welcome, #roles, #rules, and #most-wanted channels.
- Employer: Employers have access to the rest of the server except the #advertisements channel. They may post in #task-listings.
- Freelance: This role gives access to the rest of the server except the #advertisements channel. They may not post in #task-listings.
- Advertiser: This role is the most limited. Advertisers may post in #advertisements and the general channels, but not in the task-related channels.
Check this channel for updates on the what's new in F.O.X. and for event announcements.
This will be a list of the worst pirates and the rewards for destroying them and their ships. Members may propose players to XenoCow or other officers to add to the list. Any members may add to the reward pools as well to incentivize other players to help in the hunt.
The task listings channel is the heart of F.O.X.. This is where employers list tasks and where freelancers find tasks. Any messages that are not task descriptions or complete will be deleted to make finding jobs easier and the channel less cluttered. There are an infinite number of tasks that could need doing. However, here is a list of templates for common tasks:
Blank Template
Your task not listed here? Use this as a starting point to make your own listing.
**Task Type:** TASK_TITLE
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Locations:** STATION_NAMES
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
Cargo tasks are very similar to towing tasks, except that they usually deal with the movement of smaller goods such as ores or devices. The current average rate for this job is: 0.
**Task Type:** Cargo :truck:
**Items:** ITEMS
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Locations:** STATION_NAMES
**Cargo Size:** CARGO_SIZE
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
Escort tasks involve protecting a ship or endo on his/her journey through space. The current average rate is: 0.
**Task Type:** Escort :shield:
**Duration:** DURATION
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Locations:** STATION_NAMES
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
These kinds of tasks involve bringing fuel and supplies to endos in some sort of emergency. The current average rate is: 0.
**Task Type:** Refuel/Rescue :sos:
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Location:** LOCATION
**Beacon Frequency:** FREQUENCY
**Resources Needed:** RESOURCES
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
The repair task involves fixing damaged ships and stations after combat or accident. The current average rate is: 0.
**Task Type:** Repair :hammer_and_wrench:
**Repair Object:** OBJECT
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Location:** STATION_NAME
**Needed Knowledge:** KNOWLEDGE
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
Target Decommission
This task typically involves destroying a target endo and/or his or her ship. The current average rate for this job is: 2,000,000.
**Task Type:** Target Decommission :dagger:
**Target:** TARGET_NAME (Optional)
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Last Known Location:** STATION_NAME
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
This task involves moving ships, debris, or even station parts around the universe. The current average rate for this job is: 1,000,000.
**Task Type:** Towing :construction_site:
**Object:** OBJECT
**Pay:** PAYMENT
**Danger:** High/Medium/Low
**Location:** STATION_NAME
**Object Size:** OBJECT_SIZE
**Details:** OTHER_DETAILS
**Deadline:** DEADLINE (Optional)
This channel is intended for public discussions about the details of the various tasks that are posted.
This channel is where you may post your bio once and then edit it later. Also, you may rate other players whom you've dealt with with either a positive, negative, or neutral emoji reaction. Below is an example of a post:
**Personal Statement:** If you need a job done well, I'm your endo!
**Prefered Job Types:** Pirate hunting, VIP Escort, Repair
**Ship(s) owned:** Heavy fighter with 4x rail guns and small cargo space
**What people are saying about me:** "Very professional and dedicated to the job." -Jimmy, "He smells nice" -Bert, "Who's XenoCow again?" -Sally
In this channel members may ask others for help with tasks. How members decide to split up the proceeds is up to them.
The general channel may be used for general discussion about tasks and how to accomplish them.
This channel is for sharing of amusing, scary, or otherwise interesting tales of one's work.
Here is where advertisers may post their advertisements about faction recruiting, product sales, or YOLOL chips. Please keep spam to a minimum.
This is a place to express and share your faith in Bob.
This is a place to express and share your faith in Pip.
This is a place to express and share your faith in Clang.
This is a channel for posting memes about Starbase and about Starbase only.
This channel is a free for all as long as it's polite and PG (maybe a little PG-13).
To enforce the agreements that are made with our members, to fulfill contracts to aid our customers in battle, and to hunt rogue pirates that are harassing people, F.O.X. trains a dedicated force of mercenaries.
For now, anyone may join. You must ask XenoCow for permission, and he will grant it. Combat and leadership experience is preferred, though. Like other parts of F.O.X., members of the mercenary may be members of other companies simultaneously. However, like stated in the rules, participation against your own faction is prohibited.
Ordering Mercenary Services
Fighting Capacity