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The Wake

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Admiral and Co-Founder PandaPants200
Captain and CO-founder OuiOuiBonBon
Captain and Co-Founder Holcrafter
Captain and Co-founder GmanTheHeMan
Slogan/Motto "Proeliorum Strages Metes[Reap Debris of War]"
Main Focus Scavenging
Official Tag [Wake]
Support WIP
Founded April 24th 2020


The Wake is a multi purpose faction specializing mostly in Scavenging but also in: Manufacturing and Military. The Wake was founded on April 24th 2020

We value the individuality and new fun ideas. Also cool ships and weapons(shiny).

Our Interests

  • Scavenging (Just your friendly neighborhood carrion eaters)
  • Mercenary Work (If we can get enough requests to make that sustainable)
  • Ship design (Niche scavenging ships and attack vessels)
  • Station design (outposts)
  • Automated production facilities (mainly for our own benefit, though we might do contracted work)
  • Mining (mining is for our own use, though we might sell mined resources)


Ξ Admiral

Ξ Admin of the discord server.

Δ Faction Officer

Δ Faction officers watch over and regulate members.

Σ Captain

Σ Captains command the people of smaller branches in the faction.

Ω Member

Ω Members are people that have been with the faction long enough to be recognized, and trusted.

Φ Recruit

Φ Recruits are people that have just recently joined the faction.

Builder Roles

Builder roles apply to people that assist in building in one of the following roles:


Engineers are designers of bases, and general construction.

Maintenance Worker

Maintenance workers are for repairing damage dealt to structures, and ships.


Programmers are users of YOLOL, programming ships and bases for their needs.

Ship Designer

Ship designers focus on the creation of personal and fleet ships.

Combat Roles

Combat roles apply to people that fight in battle with one of the following roles:


Gunners are units that will man mounted turrets in ships to protect it in combat from enemies.

Heavy Infantry

Heavy infantry troops are usually in the front-lines, with large bulky heavy damage dealing weapons.

Light Infantry

Light infantry are troop units meant for combat that have light weapons and more versatile combat, but with less firepower.

Special Ops

Special ops units are deployed in battle with specialized weapons or roles. They are sometimes used in sabotage and don't enter combat.

Joining The Wake

If you wish to join The Wake or visit us for diplomatic reasons please contact PandaPants200#6227 on discord. If enough intrest is shown we will open the faction.

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