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Resources is in charge of getting us the raw materials we need to succeed. Argueably the most important of them all, they ensure we have what we need were we need it. They also handle logistics of transporting resources.
Resources is in charge of getting us the raw materials we need to succeed. Argueably the most important of them all, they ensure we have what we need were we need it. They also handle logistics of transporting resources.

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Latest revision as of 04:38, 5 July 2021

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Misriah Armory is a company faction focused on innovation comprised of the following:

    • Security

Security's job is to protect Misriah Armory assets. Such as stations, cargo ships, miners and more. They are the backbone of Misriah and serve to make sure Misriah prospers. Security consists of warships, marines, and defensive installations.

    • R&D

The designers and programmers of Misriah, they are incharge of making the latest innovations to secure Misriah's place as a technological pioneer. They do everything. They are the pioneers.

    • Resources

Resources is in charge of getting us the raw materials we need to succeed. Argueably the most important of them all, they ensure we have what we need were we need it. They also handle logistics of transporting resources.

    • Construction

Construction is what makes sure everything is in tip top shape, they do repairs, construct warships,fighters,miners,transports and just about anything else you can think of.

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