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Building tool

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Starbase tools building 18.10.2019.png

As the name suggests, building tools are used to either build or repair objects. The handheld model enables quick repairments even when travelling and when no repair shops are located close by.
Building tools use smelted and refined materials such as bastium for the repairing and building of objects. Without the required amount of material ingots, the tool is unusable.

How to buy

Tools can be purchased from tool stores that are located on mega stations and on various other trading stations.

Station Lot Building

The building tool is used in the construction of station lots. Once a blueprint has been created and accepted, a ghostly outline of the construction will be shown, with parts highlighted in green, blue and red. With the building tool equipped and the relevant (processed) material either in your inventory or bBank, you can "paint" to fill in the parts highlighted in green by holding the left mouse button. For the bulk of a station lot, the material you will need is Valkite, which can be bought from the marketplace relatively cheaply. You will need several dozen stacks per station module.

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