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[BIO] Biohazard is an infamous pvp, no-drama, company. We believe Starbase is best played in small gangs of pilots teaching each other, and in an environment that works for not only veterans, but also for newbros alike. We offer a target-rich environment, a huge territory and a great community to enjoy the game with.



Founding of Biohazard

At the launch of Early Acces on 29 July - as every Endo rushed for resources in and outside the safezone. A fighterwing, lead by Negev, was about to form the organization known as Biohazard. An infamous pvp company soon to be known all over the gas giant EOS. But it started simple and in the blue dark clouds of Origin, with tripod shuttles and early light fighters roaming around, looking for targets. Engaging lone miners, haulers and their escorts.

Members of BIO were required to have voice comms, be 18 or older and join fleets regularly. Operations were planned daily, with the use of discord, ranging from mining and salvaging to hunting down targets. This lead to a rapid but controlled growth of dedicated members who all wanted to shoot down endo's. The company reached the 50 member benchmark 4 weeks after it's creation.

Our own company ships

At this point in time BIO starts to appear to get more noticed in intel channels across EOS, but while our combat experience improved every fleet, there was still a big design gap between new organizations like BIO and the factions from Closed Alpha (CA) whom had months if not years of CA design time advantage within their ranks. Biohazard had to start setting up it's own ship line to compete and to be able to quickly adapt to future updates which were certain to arrive. Biohazard's Leadership, known as BIO Command, gathered all of it's designers and fighters in a meeting to come up with a list of ship classes and yolol basics to be standard across all of biohazard's combat ships. This all lead to the formation of the ship design division later known as BIO Research & Development which developed a long list of the iconic yellow n black BIO ships only seen by the public during combat or found as a wreck after a battle. Some still roaming the skies to this day.

Biohazard Hunting.jpg

Markka. Zone 5 and Elysium

[to be added]

The Elysium Blockade

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Capitals and Sieging

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The biggest fish in the pond

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The last patch

[to be added]

Company Organization

The power within the company is held by the CEO and it's directors. The company has been divisionized into several divisions. Each division focuses on certain tasks within the company and is lead by a director who is supported by officers and foremans whom organize or play a key role in division specific operations. Each division is represented by directors and officers in BIO Strategic Command.

Members can join all division operations, or focus on a specific division that suits their playstyle most. Any member can step up to be a foreman or a squad commander, which mainly involves organizing operations for a specific division such as a salvaging operation, a gate blockade or fighter roam. Squadron commanders are automatically added to the 'fleet command training programme' which buddies them with an experienced wing or fleet commander to learn from, train with and recieve post battle feedback.

Each month there's a company-wide meeting in which various topics are discussed such as standing changes, income, upcoming campaigns or updates from the divisions.


Resource Processing Division

The Resource Processing division is tasked with the activities surrounding mining, salvaging and processing all these resources into refined materials.

Research & Development Division

The Research & Development division is the architect behind all biohazard's ships, technology, stations and capital designs.

Combat & Warfare Division

The Combat & Warfare division is lead by squad, wing and fleet commanders


Members of Biohazard are required to be on voice comms during ops, be 18 or older and attend a set amount of ops per month. Membership is suspended when the required number of ops per month is not reached - this keeps the BIO memberbase slim and highly involved. Suspended members can re-apply but will have to go through the recruit probation period again.

New recruits are given a 2 week probation period in which they join ops, integrate into the community, attend basic combat training (if needed recieve starter ships) and work on setting themselves up at our staging location. Once the two week probation period has passed - most recruits are promoted to full member.

Great Space and Ground Battles

The First Great Company Deathmatch '21

The First Great Company Deathmatch '21 was held on the 28th of december.

"Cuz we may be enemies or good friends.. we are all bringing this amazing unknown universe come alive - with stories, friendships, gravity, blockades, wars and a lot of explosions! 🙂" ~Negev

The company whose flagship would be the last flagship standing. Had won the deathmatch. To kill a flagship it had to be destroyed, including the endo's aboard. Companies were allowed to bring fighterwings with infinite respawns. In total 8 companies attended. See list below with their flagship pilot.

In this video you'll see and hear the deathmatch from the perspective of Biohazard's ceo and event organizer "Negev" flying the Armadilo made by Faraway. Enjoy.

To be added


Join BIOHAZARD's discord through this link

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