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Argentavian Federation

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Chancellor DrunkRussianBear
Federal High Council ZatriX
Cashmere Captain
National Directors Heisie
Foreign Consul Blue
Domestic Consul RedAlert_007
Main Focus Being cool and all
Motto "Ad astra per aspera"


The Argentavian Federal Government aims to create a fun, organised and friendly environment. A neutral economically and militarily focused nation, with many subsidiary corporations. We operate various corporations in many different sectors, as well as operating in military development through our navy and marine corps. We aim to bring prosperity to ourselves and our allies.

Our Goals

The Argentavian Federal Government is actively striving to achieve its goals to bring prosperity, stability, sustainability and fun to the Federation. We have been growing our economic base, buying out various corporations and subsidiaries to expand our fields of expertise, we’ve been expanding the ranks of our Federal Marines and Federal Navy allowing us to wage war and defend against those who threaten the Federation, we’ve also been actively expanding our playerbase to create a fun, active and healthy environment for our members to play games and grow along side us.

Subsidiary Companies

AF Speedworks

AF Speedworks is the Argentavian Federation's intergalactic racing team, made up of members from the federation or any of it's subsiduarry companies.

Joining The Argentavian Federation

If you wish to join the Argentavian Federation please visit our Discord server.

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