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La Garde/en

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English Français
La Garde
LaGarde x1024.png
Creator Yonax
Members 15

Logo designed by HyperHyllion

Tag [LG]
Date of foundation 22/09/2021
[Updated on 02/17/2023]


La Garde is a francophone company of the Starbase game. 
The Faction is military, all members are soldiers who participate on a voluntary basis in various events proposed by other members or its leader.
The aim is to bring players together in the same group and to make sure that they have as much fun as possible playing together.
We appeal to the passionate and ambitious who dream of a united and cohesive faction where fraternity reigns despite the disagreements between members.

We rely on technology and expertise to give us the advantage.
La Garde has a certain advantage in its organisation and structure:

- Our faction is small, so it is easier to make your opinion/view heard without being overshadowed by the mass of other voices. Our faction has a more family atmosphere.

- Each member can create their own projects for ships, stations, etc. Their projects will first be examined and then, if they are validated, they will be assigned a team  to realize them.

- Each member can create various events that will be suggested to other members of the faction. (Mining, Combat training, Ship creation, Large scale construction, and many others...)

- Production and Manufacturing is organised with several teams working on different projects simultaneously.
The faction is not French only, we are open to English speaking players who wish to learn French.
Or simply people who are looking for a different experience than the English speaking companies.

Please note that not everything will be translated for you, however if you need help with the translation or meaning of a word or a sentence, feel free to ask. 


We are for fairplay PVP, which means that it is respectful of other players. For example, we will organize or participate in community PVP events that are regulated by rules and supervised by players or developers. We are against " savage " PVP or attacks on unarmed convoys.

Business Information Center

La Garde can occasionally be open for business with a sales catalogue which is composed of primary resources and ship blueprints.
If you want more information about our catalogue of products and services we suggest you join our Discord

Our ships

Droid Tri-Fighter V3
Le Moustique V1

La citerne V2
ARC-170 V1

Starbase ship shop logo.png
La Garde shop

La Garde is recruiting !
Affiche 1 lagarde.png
Affiche 2.png

We are looking for player who likes to design ships, mining experts and Yolol specialists. "We rely on technology and expertise to give us the advantage" We are a francophone corporation, open to english-speaking players and we need you ! Want to join us, or just get more details? Meet us on our server Discord !

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