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The Unknown Empire

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 10:30, 21 February 2020 by Strobi (talk | contribs)

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The Unknown Empire
King Strobi
Aristocrats Nomater, DerEliteKeks, Pigged
Counts Playmax, Minxxe
Faction Information
Official Colors: TBD
Motto Survival of the fittest
Date of founding: June 20st, 2019
Member count 6
Discord Link
Foreign Affairs
Alliances None
Enemies None


Our goal is to lead the universe to a new order where no one should live in fear.

but to achieve this goal we need to gather resources and form an army to protect our values and our citizen,
to gather more resources we decided to have a piracy department that will provide us with the resources we need to construct the foundation of our new universe.
Your first task in our Empire will be to decide if you want to stay in protection and find work or
want to help the Empire gathering resources and join our Piracy department or
do you want to join our army and protect the innocent Citizen of the Empire.

You can join our army today and climb up the ranks to become a Count one day yourself!



Collect Resources to be traded or used otherwise.

  • mine asteroids
  • salvage broken down ships


Build Structures and Ships for the Empire.


Supervises and helps Builders that work for him.

  • needs to own a factory
  • pays his builders


Trading Resources.

  • Use your Ship to transport goods from station to station
  • supply faction stores with weapons and other goods


Special Military Unit

  • scout out enemies and nearby structures
  • report to superiors


YOLOL specialist

  • work on contract
  • special job can be a 2nd job


Design ships and other Structures.

  • work on contract
  • will be consulted from the empire for the Royal fleet
  • needs to be applied for.

other jobs can be discussed.


Further information can be found on our Discord in the roles Channel.

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