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Battery nov 2019.png

The battery holds up to 20000 energy for use by devices connected to the same network.

Basic information

Smaller ships can run entirely on batteries, but most ships use them as a buffer to handle periods of higher energy use without wasting generator output.

Device fields

To learn more about the usage of fields, consult these wiki pages:

YOLOL field description range
BatteryCharge Current charge level of the battery unk

Basic information

In order for the cargo beam to lock onto objects and to be able to lift or otherwise move them, at least three beams should target the desired object from different directions.The beams should simultaneously hit the object from at least roughly 90 degrees difference from each other.
E.g. if the object is a dice-shaped cube, the cargo beams should target the cube at least from three different sides.

Device fields

To learn more about the usage of fields, consult these wiki pages:

YOLOL field description range
CargoBeamOnState Dictates whether the beam is on or off. 0 = off, any other value = on.
CargoBeamSearchLength The maximum distance from where the beam can lock onto objects. Measured in meters.
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