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Delian League

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Delian League
DelosStarCorps 1.0.png
Alliance Type Keynesian
Taxes None, unless in need.
Applications Open - Join Discord for more info
Alliance Information
Date of founding: January 18, 2020
Member count 11
Discord link
Tag DLG, Δ

The Delian League is the pinnacle of Player Alliances, which expects to inhabit and control a neutral station cluster. The Delian League is known for their talented ship designers and YOLOL programmers.


  • Control the Ship Design market
  • Create an atmosphere of Peace throughout the Alliance
  • Maintain Stability and Neutrality, through force if necessary.

How to Join

Anyone can join the Delian League! Once we become larger, we will start having requirements, but for now, all are welcome!

  1. Join the Discord
  2. DM a Sector Lieutenant or Lieutenant General implying to join the Delian League
  3. Done! Just wait for a message back :3


Roles and Designations

Political Roles
Role Designation
Basileus An Oligarch of the Delian League. (Plural: Basileis)
Tyrranos The Leader of any Faction within the Delian League.
Polis General term for any Faction within the Delian League
Metropolis The collective name for all Factions within the Delian League.
Piraeus The main ship construction locations.
Museion Delian Institutes for Science and Technology.
Peripatein Small Polis which live solely on a Ship.


A Basileus is one of the Oligarchs of the Delian League. They are the highest decision-makers in the Delian League and can make internal decisions. However, any external decision that may have a negative impact on the Delian League or any ally must be agreed upon in a majority among the Basileis. To become a Basileus you must represent at least 25% of the Delian League's member count, or be unanimously agreed to be invited. If invited, you may decline.


Tyrranos are the collective leaders of the Polis throughout the Delian League. They are the representatives of the Delian League and are expected to make their best impressions, especially when abroad.


Polis is the general name for any faction or company within the Delian League. These do not include Peripatein, Piraeus, or Museion.


The Piraeus is the name of the ancient Athenian Harbour and Shipyard. In Starbase, it represents the main shipbuilding locations of the Delian League. Many of the alliance's resources flow through the Piraeuses.


The Museion at Alexandria was a large scientific and technological institute of learning which included the Library of Alexandria. Similarly, they are the Delian League's institutes of technological and scientific education (Basically, where ships are designed and YOLOL is programmed).


Peripatein are small Polis that live primarily on a single ship or a small fleet. Ancient Greek for "Peripatetic", which are people who are "traveling from place to place, particularly working or based in various places for relatively short periods.".

Decision Making

Any action which applies must be voted on between the Basileis, though Tyrranos are to settle tiebreakers and some votes. Any Basileus has 24 hours to cast their vote, and if any fail to, the next highest Tyrranos will take their vote, in order of Headcount. The appointed Tyrranos has 12 hours. If a conclusion has not met by the pass of 36 hours, the vote will conclude, and all who did not vote will automatically abstain. Any vote cannot automatically conclude until the 12-hour mark unless it is unanimous or violates the Constitution.

Required Vote for Decisions

Decision Required Vote
General >50%
Basileis Declaration of War >60%
Tyrranos Declaration of War >75%
Expel a Polis >75%
Amend the Constitution >80%
Demote a Basileus >90%

If not at least one multiple of votes can pass between X%* and 100%, then the requirement will be (Total Basileus - 1)


Offensive Wars

Any Tyrranos can bring forth a motion to declare an Offensive War against a non-Delian faction. If it makes headway, the Basileis will vote and it will only be passed with a vote of >75%. However, the Basileis can hold their own vote for an Offensive War, which will pass with a positive of only >60%. The Basileis can only vote for an Offensive War if there is an impending threat from the given faction or alliance.

Any member of the Delian League may abstain from a Tyrranos Offensive War, but no Polis can ever join the opposing side. But in the event of a Basileis Offensive War, all Polis are expected to participate on our Alliance's side. A Polis may abstain with an adequate reason, or with the promise to provide war supplies.

Defensive Wars

In the event of a foreign entity declaring war on the Delian League itself or any Polis within the Delian League, all Tyrranos are expected to declare war on the aggressor. All Polis are expected to protect each other from invasion (at any point in time). Being located far from the Delian League's Station Cluster could cut supply lines, meaning that more precarious strategies of defense may need to be employed. (Fancy talk for "If it is deemed unsafe, we will not supply you, but indirectly aid you and the war effort.")

Peace Council

After any war involving any Polis of the Delian League (or the Alliance itself) is declared, whether Defensive or Offensive, a Peace Council will rise. Their job is to keep the logistics in check and maintain the knowledge and statistics of the war. When it comes time to end the war, it is their job to write the Peace Treaty and make the demands. The Peace Council will include the Military Lieutenant and no less than four hand-picked Tyrannos (but no more than 10). If a Delian Polis loses, or the Delian Alliance itself loses, then all Basileis will automatically be pulled in.

Rules of War

  • Anything that you personally find, you can keep. If it is of major importance (such as a battleship, powerful YOLOL chip, priceless item, etc.) then it may be appropriated to the Peace Council until further redistribution. This does not allow you to steal from other's "finds".
  • For anything that you don't personally find, it will be split evenly among the group. Larger Polis will get the larger reward.
  • If Third-Parties show up uninvited, you have the right to fend them off. Anyone can make your own unofficial agreements within each other to split your rewards between yourself and the Third-Party, but it cannot affect anyone else.


Basileis (3)
Faction Headcount Tyrranos
Delos Star Corps 10 Drache, TheBurger3, Erox1
Polis (1)
Faction Headcount Tyrranos
The Midnight Order 1 Endi Shadowcaster
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