Генератор (Собранный)
Генератор - одна из наиболее важных частей любой постройки, которая требует энергии. Большинство кораблей, к примеру, требуют для работы правильно собранный генератор.
- Каждый требующий питания механизм на корабле должен быть присоединён к генератору при помощи провода.
- Генератор состоит из нескольких модулей, которые нужно собирать в определённой последовательности, скрепляя друг с другом.
- Генератор должен быть размещён в безопасном месте, защищённом от таких опасностей как радиация или стрельба.
Обычно генератор состоит из как минимум одной генераторной установки, одной системы охлаждения с охлаждающими ячейками, одной топливной ячейки с топливным стержнем и одной платы с разъёмами.
Основная информация
Модули можно комбинировать по разному, создавая генератор, заточенный под определённые потребности и цели. В зависимости от целей, генераторы могут отличаться формой, размером и эффективностью.
Генератор может состоять из следующих модулей:
- Топливный стержень (Это ёмкость для неочищенного топлива, которое будет переработано в топливной ячейке для дальнейшей выработки энергии)
- Топливная ячейка (Топливный стержень помещается в топливную ячейку. Неочищенное топливо в дальнейшем перерабатывается в очищенное топливо в топливной ячейке.)
- Генераторная установка (В генераторной установке очищенное топливо перерабатывается в энергию)
- Система охлаждения (Охлаждающие ячейки помещаются сюда и хладагент перерабатывается для снижения температуры)
- The socket board (For attaching cables)
- Enhancers (For improving efficiency, in three different tiers)
A generator creates its own resource network within which it distributes and processes five different resources:
- Raw Fuel - Stored in the fuel rod.
- Processed Fuel - Processed in the fuel chamber from Raw Fuel.
- Power - Processed in the generator unit from Processed Fuel.
- Heat - Produced from the two latter processes, the processing of raw fuel and the processing of power.
- Coolant - Stored in the cooling cells. Processed in the cooling board to reduce Heat.
Generator modules
Fuel rod
- Stores the Raw Fuel.
- Placed inside a fuel chamber.
- Distributes Raw Fuel to the fuel chamber.
The fuel chamber
- Receives Raw Fuel from the fuel rod and converts it to Processed Fuel.
- This process also generates Heat.
- Distributes Processed Fuel to generator units.
- There are nine connectors, two on each long side and one on the "back" side of the chamber.
- Other modules can be attached to the connectors.
- If an enhancement effect is used on the fuel chamber, the efficiency rate of processing Processed Fuel from Raw Fuel increases.
The generator unit
- Receives Processed Fuel from the fuel chamber and converts it to Power.
- This process also generates Heat.
- NOTE! The generators will constantly consume Processed fuel, wasting excess Power unless their ConversionRateLimit is modified via YOLOL
- There are six connectors, one on each side.
- Other modules can be attached to the connectors.
- For every adjacent generator unit, extra heat will be generated.
- Tip: If generator units are stacked close together, extra benefit can be gained from the enhancers. However, this generates more heat, which must be cooled down.
- If an enhancement effect is used on the generator unit, the efficiency of processing Power from Processed Fuel increases.
The cooling cells
- Stores the Coolant.
- Placed inside a cooling board.
- Distributes Coolant to the cooling board.
The cooling board
- The cooling board can hold up to three cooling cells.
- Receives Coolant from the cooling cells and processes it to reduce Heat.
- The cooling board can be be placed anywhere. The cooling pipes running through the whole system will handle the cooling of all the fuel chambers and generator units.
- Only the calculated amount of Heat that the system produces is relevant. The cooling power of the cooling board must match the Heat amount produced, or preferably exceed it.
- There is only one connector on the cooling board.
- If an enhancement effect is used on the cooling board, the efficiency rate of reducing Heat from processing Coolant increases.
The socket board
- Transforms Local Power into Power.
- Connects cables.
- Distributes Power to a data network.
- There is only one connector on the socket board.
- Doesn't get any benefits from enhancers.
- Casts a beam that goes through modules. If the beam hits a module, that module gets the benefit of the enhancement.
- There are three tiers on the enhancement modules.
- A tier that casts a beam that can reach 96 cm (only the module it is attached to).
- A tier that casts a beam that can reach 192 cm (possibly two modules).
- A tier that casts a beam that can reach 288 cm (possibly three modules).
- There is only one connector on the enhancer.
- Enhancers don't get benefits from other enhancers.
- If several beams are hitting the same module, there will be extra benefit, but no cumulative benefits.
Device fields
To learn more about how to use fields, consult these wiki pages:
YOLOL field | Description | Range |
FuelChamberFuel | The amount of fuel currently available in this chamber's tank | 0 - FuelChamberMaxFuel |
FuelChamberMaxFuel | Maximum amount of fuel that can be stored in this chamber's tank | Default 200000 |
FuelChamberUnitRateLimit | Upper limit for conversion rate for this fuel chamber | 0 - 100 |
FuelChamberUnitRate | Current conversion rate for this fuel chamber. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. | 0 - 100 |
GeneratorUnitRateLimit | Upper limit for conversion rate for this generator block | 0 - 100 |
GeneratorUnitRate | Current conversion rate for this generator block. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. | 0 - 100 |
StoredCoolant | The amount of coolant currently available in this cell | 0 - MaxCoolant |
MaxCoolant | Maximum amount of coolant that can be stored in a coolant cell | Default 5000 |
CoolerUnitRateLimit | Upper limit for conversion rate for this cooler | 0 - 100 |
CoolerUnitRate | Current conversion rate for this cooler. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. | 0 - 100 |
SocketUnitRateLimit | Upper limit for conversion rate for this socket | 0 - 100 |
SocketUnitRate | Current conversion rate for this socket. Conversion is being performed at 1 conversion * this percentage per second. | 0 - 100 |