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Icarus Project

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Icarus Project

Once-upon-a-time there was a bunch of lazy endos who wanted to be in a company where they could chit-chat all day long and no supervisor would ever come by and tell them what to do. That company is Icarus Project.

Icarus Project logo.
Icarus Project logo.

We're a group of easy-going and positive-minded endos who are just interested in having a bit of fun. Icarus Project is an umbrella company for many design groups and individual endos who just want to do their own thing in Starbase. We enjoy designing ships, exploring, mining, salvaging, taking part in events and occasionally liberating cargo. Most of all, we offer a small friendly community where endos can ask for help if they need it.

The History of Icarus Project

Icarus Project has been active since day one of Starbase Steam Early Access. We are the only company we know of in Starbase that has been continuously active since the beginning with no breaks. We are active still.

Over this time we have welcomed many refugee endos from other corporations that have collapsed. As such, we include some of the most dedicated endos in Starbase.

(Dis)organization of Icarus Project

Icarus Project does not have a formal organizational structure. As a corp we have always valued individual freedom of action. Endos do as they please.

Ship designers are allowed and encouraged to create their own brands within Icarus Project. These include shipyard brands such as Ark's Sparks, Ace-Tech, Red Moon Dynamics and Dredwerkz.


You can find us here:

Company Motto

"We'll never be done!"

Our company motto has three meanings:

  1. We all have many ship-builds and other projects that are unfinished.
  2. We will never be done with Starbase. We have several endos avowed to be the last endo in Starbase.
  3. It is a quote from the character Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlyle) in the TV series Stargate Universe.
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