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宇宙には、内骨格を持つロボットがキャリアを築き、宇宙での生活を支えるための資金を得るためのさまざまな機会があります。 エントリーレベルの仕事は、事前のライセンスや装備を必要としないため、キャリアをスタートさせたばかりのロボットに最適です。




Asteroid Mining is an entry-level job for any endoskeleton looking for a way to make some profit.
Capital Mega Stations near asteroid fields offer the mining jobs for any willing workers.
Supervised mining is an easy start for anyone looking to become proficient prospector by learning the trade in a safe work environment.
Workers sign in at a workstation at the Mining job hall, where they are given a pickaxe and access to the asteroids.

The job consists of mining the asteroids and moving the mined materials to the collector zone.


Stool assembly.png

Assembly is an entry-level job for any endoskeleton looking for a way to make some profit. Capital Mega Stations offer the assembly jobs for any willing workers. Basic assembly work is an easy start for anyone looking to become proficient with the bolt tool in a safe environment. Workers sign in at a workstation at the Assembly job hall, where they are given a bolt tool and access to the parts to be assembled.

The job consists of bolting together basic parts and moving them to the collection zone.


Salvage is an entry-level job for any endoskeleton looking for a way to make some profit. Capital Mega Stations offer the salvage job for any willing workers. Basic salvage work is an easy start for anyone looking to become proficient with salvaging battlefields in a safe environment. Workers sign in at a workstation at the Salvage job hall, where they are given a buzzsaw, and access to various ships that are able to be salvaged.

The job consists of salvaging ships to a small enough size so the vacuum is able to collect them.



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