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CEO madmax3004
Low Tech Branch Head Huangdi Spatuli
Shipyard Department Head Mochro
R&D Department Head Susul
Mining Department Head Pain
Refining Department Head TheRex
Faction Information
Motto Perfection through innovation
Official Colors: Silver & Black
Date of founding: 4th of September, 2019
Member count 50
Discord Link
Primary Export Ships
Secondary Export Refined materials & Technology
Foreign Affairs
Allegiance Neutral
Alliances Intergalactic Assembly


DynaStar is a sophisticated and professional industrial corporation in Starbase

We aim to provide the Starbase playerbase with high-quality, advanced ships. We provide custom orders, refitting and maintenance of ships.

We will also be exporting processed materials to other corporations, as well as technology.

DynaStar is the faction for people who want to be part of an active, organised and serious corporate group.

Our company is structured into four Departments, each lead by a Department Head. Departments are semi-autonomous, with the Department Heads in charge of their internal structure and projects.



Logistics is the core of any operation, and DynaStar is no exception. Mining ties into R&D for the latest and greatest techniques and technology, and with Shipyard for the most advanced platforms. Mining is looking for independent, hard-working operators willing to set up operations in potentially dangerous areas.

Miners will gather resources in the asteroid belt and set up longer-term mining operations.


Time to make rocks into shinier rocks. Refining takes the bulk output of Mining and turns it into usable goods that can be utilized by the Shipyard, R&D, and Mining to make DynaStar hum. We're looking for technicians interested in making efficient production chains, YOLOL programming, and logistics.

Refining staff will set up factories and handle refining of raw resources into usable materials for the other departments.


With one eye on the needs of tomorrow, today, and another on the requirements of other staff sections, R&D keeps DynaStar ahead of the curve. From researching new tech to fine-tuning YOLOL commands, R&D is all about improving and experimenting. We're looking for tinkerers who want to make the galactic standard, try new ideas, and build a better mousetrap.

R&D will design and test a wide variety of research projects. Anyone in the R&D department can suggest ideas to be worked on.


No space sim is complete without the best ships money can buy, and the Shipyard makes sure we have them. The Shipyard ties in closely with R&D for tech, Refining for materials, and ensures Mining has the equipment necessary to complete any mission. We're looking for problem solvers with a mind for electronics or engineering ready to test the limits of Starbase.

Shipyard staff will design and construct ships and modules. They work closely with R&D to stay ahead of the competition.


WIP - Waiting for game to come out


Whilst technically an independent product from DynaStar, our CEO created the community Discord bot known as "B.O.B". Get him here.



DynaStar was founded on the 4th of September in 2019.

Recruitment started shortly after.


Unknown... For now.




Founder and CEO of the DynaStar corporation.

High Tech Branch Overseer


Position is open.

Low Tech Branch Head

Huangdi Spatuli / 皇帝抹

Not actually a spatula... right?

Shipyard Department Head


Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communist

R&D Department Head


Likes cats.

Refining Department Head


Not to be confused with the ones that lived 70 million years ago.

Mining Department Head


Wouldn't hurt a fly

Contact Information

Our primary communications platform is our Discord server.

Join now at

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