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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Starbase Galaxy

From Starbase wiki
Revision as of 04:02, 8 June 2020 by Senkii (talk | contribs) (Created page, necessary for internal linking. Currently a heavy WIP, please leave this one to me, unless it is against the rules. If you'd like to see anything changed on this page, I would like it if you could at least inform me about it. Thanks :3)

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Welcome to this guide; this is essentially a beginners' guide to Starbase, although it might have some points of interest for more advanced players as well.

I originally made this guide to make the early game progression easy for new players, because I got a lot of questions about a lot of things in the game, both from fellow alpha players and non-alpha players. The scope of it was later expanded to incorporate more advanced information, too, mainly just because I felt like it...

The guide is split into multiple sections, filled with information about each and every aspect of the game. The start of the guide also contains a good indication of what you can do in your first hours in the game, to get the best start possible!

Whether you're a new player or a veteran; I hope this guide is able to give you a hand in your Starbase gameplay!


First Hours

So, you've just booted up Starbase for the first time, set your IGN (In-Game Name), and loaded into the universe... Now what?

The first thing I'd recommend doing, is getting familiar with the , because Starbase has some interesting mechanics!


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